10/19/20- Meeting Minutes
President - Claire
Required to tell Claire if you test positive or if anyone you have been around tested positive
Fill out midpoint reviews and send confirmation that you completed the form (screenshot text) by wednesday at midnight
VP - Kara
Treasurer - Halen
Second installment of dues are due tonight
Secretary - Laura
Send conflict forms before meetings
Sisterhood - Saanya
Make up reveal
John Cromptom park is 10/23
Cookie decoration is 10/29 @ 6pm
Social - Cristen
Wig theme date party at Shelby S’s house on 10/22 @ 8pm
DKE mixer
2 cans for cover
1 service point
Address will be sent soon
Fundraising - Shelby W
Grub profit share 10/21 from 11-10pm
Must sell 3 stickers
Historian - Shelby S
PR- Amanda
Sell 3 shirts minimum!
Surprise gift to who sells the most shirts
S&C - Lindsey
Road clean up with DKE on 10/24
Virtual reading time with Keys 10/25
One point for attending and one point for wearing a shirt
BRIDGE Ministries food pantry
RMH donations for points
Philanthropy - Michelle
KKD till 11/6
Required to sell at least one box
Recruitment - Arianna
Petal hangout 10/28
Google Form Question Link: