8/24/20-Meeting Minutes
Claire: President
New points
3 Philanthropy
5 fundraising
5 Serivce
Must attend one sisterhood event per month
No attendance required for social
Groups of 10
Masks, virtual options,
Alert Claire and University if you test positive for COVID
Free pass to go inactive or associate
Due Sept 21st
Kara: VP
No more study space
In groupme, and in an email
Members only page
Meet us
Members only (BlossomsF20), important update button for updates about Blossoms due to COVID. To add calendar, go to the calendar and scroll down and say add calendar
Friends who are applying: apply, click to sign up for informations and emails, the recruitment schedule is there also
If you put active member you are in a committee.
Laura: Secretary
Email conflict forms before 6pm for meetings
Halen: Treasurer
GM: $120 (discounted $30) but if you paid FULL last semester before dues, you only pay $70 this semester.
Associate dues: $60
Petals: $150
Semi tickets will be purchased later on their own
Payment plan: DUE OCT 2
1st installment: Oct 5
2nd installment OCt 19
3rd installment Nov 2
Dues discounted more if we have to cancel events by Nov 16
Pay your remaining balance for last semester!
Arianna: Recruitment
Apps opened today! Close 9/11
Two zoom informations
Sept 2
Sept 8
Required to go to at least 1
Blaze meet and greet: 11am-9pm
Sept 8
Flyers and Yard signs if you can’t go to either informationals
Saanya: Sisterhood
2 Study groups a month
Aug 27
Sept 6
Every hour you are there, you get a point (Max 4)
House an event is 1 point
Tie dye
Bring own white shirt, we will provide the dye
Provide ride is 1 point
10 people at a location
RSVP to all events in the future so we can get a headcount for COVID restrictions
Cristen: Social
No point requirements this semester
Text me ideas!
Amanda: PR
Recruitment shirts have arrived! Text to pick them up (254-449-3803) including old PR, would like to clear them out by this week! Text me if you are unsure if I have PR for you.
No point requirements right now
Shelby W: Fundraising
Sept 8: Blaze profit share (11am-9pm)
1 point for going, 1 point for buying something, 1 point for brining a friend, 1 point for wearing a shirt.
Possibly a meet and greet
Wear a mask, social distance
RSVP by Sep 5
Shelby S: Historian
Send me photos to post on the insta/twitter!
Any group photos over 10 wear a mask!
512-789-0300 or DM the insta or twitter
Lindsey: Service
Cards for hospitalized patients: Sept 19
2pm, TBD location
Make digital cards and email me them to print
5 cards is 0.5 point MAX of 3 points
Michelle: Philanthropy
Profit shares and virtual fundraising, social distance, wear masks. Not required to eat AT the restaurant, take it home. Will look into how restaurants handle taking food to go with profit share
Applying with Krispy Kreme
Meeting Minutes Question Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0gOmhbh3TtDh1a4tGhV0CpargehLiK5uHj3rx7ZPs_EdstQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0