11/16/20- Meeting Minutes
President: Claire
This is our last meeting!!
By the last day of classes which is next tuesday (11/24), you need to have all your points in!
Point Requirements (General Members)
25 Total
5 - Fundraising
5 - Service
3 - Philanthropy
Must attend 1 Sisterhood event per month
Point Requirements (Petals)
20 Total
4 - Fundraising
4 - Service
2 - Philanthropy
Must attend 1 Sisterhood event per month
You will be placed on probation for next semester if you do not fulfill the point requirements...emails will be sent out if you quality that
Check your points on the point sheet on the members only portion.
If you box in red in the last four columns then you have met your requirements!
VP: Kara
Never hesitate to reach out! 9366760224
Treasurer: Halen
Pay your dues if you haven’t! If you don’t you can’t go to any events until you do
Rolls over to next semester!
Secretary: Laura
Fill out meeting minutes if you miss a meeting
Sisterhood: Saanya
Signup for friendsgiving houses is on facebook as is the food signup!
First come first serve!!
Social: Cristen
Thanks for coming to Semi!!
Send me theme ideas for next semester!!
PR: Amanda
Text me to come pick up recruitment and gen member shirts!!
PR should be coming in soon
Will work out if it comes after school ends
Merch is still open!
Fundraising: Shelby W
Sticker sales close Nov 25th!
You have to sell/buy 3. $3 each!
Text if you have questions!
Historian: Shelby S
Lights On in Bryan
Nov 20 at 6pm and stays open for a while...will send dates in groupme
From semi: I have all the cameras and they are being developed
When I get them I will get them shared with you!
S&C: Lindsey
If you’re worried about points, text me and we can work something out
All service points will be updated by the end of this week at the latest!
Philanthropy: Michelle
Vouchers should have been sent out by email
Let me know if you or whoever ordered them didn’t get them
Recruitment: Arianna
Fill out the google form about next semesters recruitment
Meeting Minutes Google Form Link: