2/11/19 Meeting Minutes
Arya Monticino
Make sure and send Arya proof of your attendance at the date party
Standards Board
Kara Peikert
Myrka Lila
Kennedy Martin Defrance
Amy Luo
Point sheet is on the website, any issues let Amy know!
Study space is updated!
Max is 5 points
Natalia’s care package
Can venmo @amyluoo
Will ship out at the end of March
Tiffany Reck
Canstruction is less than 1 month away!
Sign up link for teams (post link ))
You MUST participate for 2 hours
Valentine’s Sales
On Campus pick up
Or can pick up at Dani/Claudia’s house
Cash is preferred
Alternative - Can venmo Tiffany @ (put tiffany’s username)
.5 points per order - (includes your friends placing orders on your name)
Max at 3 points
Friday 2/15/19
Northgate Bake Sale
Canstruction Banner Holding
Feb 25-27th
Canned Food Drive (table inside MSC)
If anyone is interested in helping make the blueprints of the designs for the structures - let Tiff know!!
Keeli Machacek
Feb 25th → 2nd installment of dues are due
Bry Lawrence
If you want old merch - message me
Everyone is required to sell 3 PR shirts
Don’t sell shirt = Demerit
Please sell 3
*CANNOT* sell to A&M girls that are not in blossoms
CAN sell to family, guys, for yourself.
Get extra points for selling more than 3
Dani Morea
This is the last week of big/little date week
Prefs will be sent out Friday night after 5pm
Due Sunday at 12pm
Big/Little will be matched at 5pm
Required to reach out 3 times during reveal
Two Gifts + Reveal Outfit
If you need any help text Dani → 917-225-9548
Saturday - Feb 23rd at 11:30pm - 5am
LOCK-IN @ Altitude Trampoline Park in CSTAT
If you can’t stay the entire night or have any issues let Dani know!
Must RSVP to retreat
Makeup Reveal will be on Feb 24th - Location TBD
Kennedy Martin DeFrance/Claudia Yuhasz
Valentine’s Day Goodies sale ends tomorrow (2/12/19) at 5pm
Baking tomorrow 2/12/19 at Claudia & Dani’s house
If you go out - will get a point ;)
Will start at 3
CFA Profit Share
Wednesday 2/13/19
Northgate Bake Sale (2/15/19)
Zumbathon Tickets will be available SOON!
Tickets will be cheaper online if you pay early
Prices will increase at the door!
Valentine's Day Goodies
Chick fil A table signup https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18_Z8FsdqQ_C4o7EGMBEY-Fu0IopjvnOG7bVXAkHZRA8/edit?usp=sharing
Bake Sale Food and Shift Signup
Jillian Barthelemy
Fundraising Profit Share
Blaze Pizza
Feb 19th from 5pm-8pm!
Mention blossoms at register
Text/Email Jill Picture of proof
Hailey Gaige
Bryan Animal Center
Register online first
Short training process
Get extra point if you wear a blossoms shirt
Big event registration ends THIS FRIDAY! 2/15/19
Big Event is March 30th!
Brazos Valley Senior Games
February 22-24th!
Come help us put on an olympics game
Link for senior games:
Jaisy Castillo
Vine Mixer
February 22, 2019
** Please fill this out ONLY if you were absent**