3/21/22 Meeting Minutes
Text or email if you have any questions
If you are interested in officer positions, reach out
Apps coming out soon
If you have questions, text me! 903-658-0047
Especially about running for officer positions
Lily w
Text me if you’re interested in running for secretary
Dues Deadlines
4/4: General Members Final Payment & Petals 3rd payment DUE!
4/18: Final Payment DUE! (PETALS ONLY)
All dues must be paid to attend formal!!
Please keep this in mind
Flywire is up!
Google tamu flywire
It is very similar to marketplace
Make sure that you choose the correct item!!!!
It is broken up for payments, let me know if you can’t remember
Text me a screenshot of the payment confirmation page!
If you paid an inexact amount, text me!
See me if you still wish to pay in cash/check
Text me if you’re interested in running for Treasurer :))))) 832-418-8166
Calendar is updated and check the newsletter!
Committee olympics 3/27
12 pm at wolf pen creek park
All the committees will break up and compete against each other
Study session 3/30 at evans from 2:30-6:30
Room will come at a later time
These are the last chances for a sisterhood event!!!
Big event
If you signed up, you are expected to be there!!!!
Carpool spreadsheet
On the newsletter
Extra point for being a driver
More info coming soon
Locations and tool pickup
Will post the groups later on
If you are the group leader, you should have gotten an email
TEXT ME!!!!!
Group leader will make a groupme
Group leaders must sign in person
Group leaders will pick up tools
Watch the groupme for instructions!!!!
Will meet up on campus and then disperse
Pen pal letters
Same drop off locations as always (on the newsletter)
Finally got pen pal letters this week!
There is a google drive with all letters and they should be posted by 3/21 midnight
Still due this week :)
Lily D
Cafe volunteering
2nd wednesday of every month
April 13th: 4-6 pm
Points: 1 pt/hr and 1 pt/shirt
Send me a picture after your shift
Bingo night at the shelter of hope
April 30th: 5:30-7:30
Attend the event OR
Make small prizes like gift cards, snack and candy bags, sodas
Bring food or supplies or drinks OR
Make a table card: welcome to blossoms bingo night!
1 card per name in order for people to get a chance to get a point! Only need ~35 cards
Please sign up!!!
Points are on sheet
Emily shoaff: 4/24
Mackenzie kern: 4/31
Magda gutierrez: 4/1
If yall are interested in running for historian, text me! 619-905-2209
Date party next thursday! 3/31
Theme and place tbd
Will send out a poll tonight
Date parties are where you can bring yourself + one date (friend, bf, whoever) to the event!
Sending out a spreadsheet for formal
Need the name of your date and their phone number
Let me know if you want to run for social chair
Philanthropy: trisen and jorey
Profit share 3/30 at blaze!!!
If you want to work off a demerit, text us and help with binglow
Glow in the dark bingo game
How we raise money for world vision kits
More details to come
Recruitment: tristen and jorey
Petal hang out tomorrow!!!!
Ladies bowling at grand station 9-10 pm
Text us if you're interested in recruitment
PR sale is over!!!!!! Big thank you to everyone
Fill out this form
Who ordered for you
If you ordered with your own name, you don't need to fill it out
Prize winner announced at next meeting
Spring graduates who wanted a stole!!!
Please join the groupme for updates and payment info
Picking them up tomorrow!!!
If you want to be PR, please text me!!!
Please fill out this form!:D