9/26/22 Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2022
Howdy Lovely Ladies!! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. Meeting minute quiz, must be completed by 5pm on Sunday, October 2nd. Failure to complete, will result in 1+ demerit(s).
Happy Birthday!!!
September 27 → Summer
October 1 → Sarina, Hunter, Ally
October 9 → Mia
Link to the Presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFM3EAT4pk/5XNnhRJrsBvmsOV5K7vOVA/view?utm_content=DAFM3EAT4pk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
President - Logan:
GEN MEMber point requirement: min. 35 total
PETALS point requirement: minimum 25 total
Cells will darken once you’ve met the requirement for that column! (Petal req. is one shade darker, Gen mems is darkest)
PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST STILL MEET THE MIN. FOR EACH CATEGORY, EVEN IF YOU HAVE MET THE OVERALL MINIMUM. Before semi, you will receive a demerit for each category you have not met.
VP - Tristen:
Demerits :( Work off w/ officer you got it from then fill out demerit form on website. 3 + demerits = no semi/formal & probation 2 or less = dismissed You have until the week before semi/formal to make up demerits
Text me to hang or talk !!!! (512) 804-6104 (especially you petals) ;)
Secretary - Summer:
Welcome Petals to your first General Member meeting!!!
Next Meeting Personal Development Speaker!!
Treasurer - Kristen:
1st Payment of Dues DUE THIS FRIDAY!!
Petals: $200
General Members: $165
2nd Payment of Dues DUE OCTOBER 10th!! *Half of your dues must be paid by this date, to attend Retreat!
Link to Flywire is in the Newsletter & in the BAND
GM Payment Plan Options
1 payment of $165
2 payments of $82.50
3 payments of $55
Petal Payment Plan Options
1 payment of $200
2 payments of $100
4 payments of $50
Historian - Jorey:
Thank you for showing up for the pics! i’ll send out a google drive with them when they’re finished!
woohoo! date! week! send me all the cute little pictures that you take and you will get 0.5 point per pic. *cap of TWO social points*
Fundraising - Faith:
Thanks for going to H&J's Teahouse!
Please submit google form for H&J's by Friday
Philanthropy - Hannah:
T-shirt fundraising updates! Powderpuff game switched from Oct. 18 to Oct. 20 and kickball to Oct. 18
powderpuff spots have been filled so if someone needs to drop out lmk asap so we can fill the roster
powderpuff practices will be starting soon!
Recruitment - Trinity:
Final points have been updated Demerits have been sent out
PR - Vy:
vY: 713.518.2569
Service - Emily:
sign up for build w pbe if you haven’t already that is this thursday!! (10 positions)
pen pals
Looking forward: Brazos valley food bank with vanguard? trunk or treat with twin city missions
Sisterhood - Saanya:
Upcoming Events for the next 2 weeks
DIY Planner Event (Wednesday @7pm)
Big/Little Party(FRIDAY! 8pm - 9:30 pm) Theme is EVERYTHING PINK! Located at Century Square
Big/Little Date Week (9/269) Please refer to your BAND petal/big chat for more instruction.
Important information
DIY Planner Event
Bring your own planner if you have one but not having one is also fine!
Big/Little Party
Bring drinks(LEGAL) or funny items as long as they are pink!
Also only wear pink/white we will be taking cute pictures ;)
Food is provided but don't expect a meal lol
ALL RSVP in future is through Band Calendar.
All events (EVER)
DIY Planner Event (09/28)
Big/Little Party(09/30)
Big/Little Date Week (TODAY-10/09)
Big/Little Gift Week((10/10 - 10/14)
Baking w/ Blossoms (10/21)
Spooky Brunch(10/30)
Get fit w/ Blossoms(11/8)
Friendsgiving (11/20)
Brains, Beauty, and Blossoms(11/30)
Cool down w/Blossoms(12/9)
Social - Caylee:
Coming Up!
Oct 9- Aggie Vanguard Mixer
Oct 29- Lambda Chi Alpha Mixer
Date party sometime in Oct, TBD
Give me input on semi themes!
Required Meeting Minute Quiz!!