Meeting Minutes 3-4-24
Link to Slide Presentation:
Emily- President
Hi! Welcome Petals!
hi! president and vp app is live! lmk if you are interested!
Hannah- Vice President
Newsletters are going to start (officially) going out on Monday Mornings! Sunday’s/weekends are kinda crazy for me and I have a set time on Monday’s that I can do it and make sure I have everything from officers.
Leslie- Treasurer
Second Payment Due Tonight @11:59! “Failure to submit payment by given deadlines without proper communication with the Treasurer will result in a fine of $25 per missed deadline.” Have a great week! Good luck with any exams! xoxo
Sam - Historian
I hope everyone liked all the pics from retreat!! if you didn’t see your pics text me asap shoutout sierra and sofia for all the help <3
Group pics should be here soon!!
Mitibella- PR
Big Event shirts will be shipped to me then passed out before 3/23 PR SALE THIS MONTH!!! 2 REQUIRED points .5 point for posting for max 1 point 1 point per item bought/sold hoodie, t-shirt, tank top, and tote bag :) estimated open date: 3/11
Alyssa- Service
Some changes... Big event will be 3 points for attending and 1 point for wearing a blossoms shirt
Pen pals letters will now be emailed to me - I did not receive a letter from half of the groups last week.... failure to turn in more than one letter will result in a demerit
Upcoming events:
Community Cafe - 3/5 from 4-6pm -please remember to sign our group in with the QR code!!!
The greening law group - 3/18 -donate for a point
Big Event!! - 3/23 - more info to come
Bryanna and Emma- Sisterhood
Hope y’all had fun at Retreat- all points are in :)
Demerit emails regarding failure to get a February point & Retreat will be sent out this week
Remember to keep in mind conflict form deadlines (send to
Remaining March Events: 3/26: Baseball gathering against HCU @5:15
Let me know if you have any questions about being a sisterhood director!
Lainie - Fundraising
Clothing Drive 03/18-04/01
1 point per item donated
Please no clothing with holes, stains, or tags cut out
Drop off locations will be sent out in Band soon
All points have been updated and demerits have been sent out!
Megan- Social
CAFE sand volleyball mixer THIS Thursday
Location: The Rev sand volleyball courts
Time: 4-6pm
Points: 1 for going
pizza and drinks provided
Formal Update: Still in the works with hotel and venue April 19th-20th in Austin Date tickets will be more expensive than in past years but Blossoms members do not have to pay for hotel or tickets, all is covered in dues!
Haylee- Philanthropy
Gift Bags: Pick up bags pleaseeee! points going in tmrw
Book Drive: Bring books back after spring break! 1 point per donated book Participation is required - only required phil event this semester <3
Haliee - Personal Development
Study session 6 in the flag room following the meeting until 11 pm. .5 points per hour stayed Green Dot training 3/20 and 3/21 from 3-6:30 pm looking into other options if this doesn’t work with your schedule
Link to Meeting Minutes Google Form: