Meeting Minutes October 16, 2023
Howdy ladies! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. The meeting minutes quiz must be completed by 5 pm on Sunday, October 22. Failure to complete will result in +1 demerit(s).
Link to the presentation:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO… Sofia Wernsman, Terah John, Mia Bailey, Savannah McDonald,
Jessica Rollins, Leslie Castillo
President - Emily
Standards Board applications extended through THIS Sunday, voting will be at the next general meeting
Any active member can apply for Standards Board, please consider it!
Midsemester Reviews form is available–tell us your thoughts on this semester so far!
Email proof of submission of Midsemester Review form to
Vice President - Hannah
Have a great week!
Secretary - Elyssa
Next gen mem meeting theme is PAJAMAS!!!
Treasurer - Leslie
3rd payment is due October 30
Link to Flywire is on the Newsletter and slides
Historian - Samantha
Pictures at 9:30-10:30am THIS SATURDAY 10/21 at the Administration Building
Shades of green with the green ON TOP, or a dress/overalls
Holes in jeans to a minimum, below the knee
PR - Mitibella
PR Sale opens next Monday 10/23
This is an internal sale, do not sell to girls that go to A&M but are not a part of Aggie Blossoms
Required 2 points
Service - Alyssa
Trunk or Treat - Friday 10/27, 5:30-7pm
Up to one point for candy purchases (.5 for each candy bag bought) put different car # that doesn’t have candy yet
Start purchasing the decorations for your car asap and submit your receipt to me ($10 spending max)
Dog walking - Monday 10/23, 7-9:30am at Aggieland Humane
Recruitment - Emma and Sara
Petal bonding on Nov 8th, more details TBD
Sisterhood - Bryanna and Emma
Retreat is THIS SUNDAY at 4pm at Aggie Park - Mandatory
An itinerary will be sent out later this week from Bryanna for Retreat
Deadline to submit conflict form to is 10/21 at 11:59pm
10/20 - Plant Your Roots 4:30pm at John Crompton Park; RSVP please!
Fundraising - Lainie
Car Wash - 10/22; 10am-2pm at Sevcik’s Service Center
Mandatory event, must get at least 2 points
Wear a Blossoms shirt/clothes that you don’t mind getting wet
More info is on the infographic on the Newsletter
Social - Megan and Sara
Halloween Crush Party/Mixer with Originals
9:30 at 302 Francis Drive, wear a costume!!
You can bring up to 3 people (literally anyone)
Philanthropy - Haylee
Costume Contest 10/16 - 10/24, 1 pt for entering, 1 pt for donating a prize
Kickball Tournament - 11/12, time and further details tbd
Personal Development - Hailee
Study Session 5 - Tuesday 10/24 5-9pm, location tbd
Required to go to 2 study sessions per semester, .5 points for each hour
Keyboard shortcuts and excel workshop in the works for November
Join your interest groups!!
Link to fill out Google Form for meeting point: