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Meeting Minutes - September 11, 2023

Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2023

Howdy ladies! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. The meeting minutes quiz must be completed by 5pm on Friday, September 15. Failure to complete will result in +1 demerit(s).

President - Emily


  • In order to encourage more of y’all to be bigs, we are changing gift week to clue week for this semester (if that is what y’all want)


  • If you have questions, please reach out to Emily, Hannah, or Bryanna

Vice President - Hannah

  • Most links for events are on the Linktree and Newsletter!

Secretary - Elyssa

  • Elyssa just wants you all to have a great week!!

  • Please email a conflict form to if you cannot make it to a meeting by 5pm the day of!

Treasurer - Leslie

  • Flywire is now up and running! First payment due is 9/29

  • Payment plan is due 9/15

  • Scholarship applications are due 9/22

Historian - Sam

  • Join Photocircle!!

  • 10/21 Blossoms groups pics (mandatory)

PR - Mitibella

  • Game day pins are here! They are $4 and will be at the Rally Towel sisterhood event on 9/15

  • If you can’t make it to that event, they will be on the Blossoms Boutique

Service - Alyssa

  • 9/19 Dog Walking with Aggieland Humane

  • 9/27 Crestview Community Health Fair

  • We are doing Big Event with Legion this year!!

  • Be sure to submit your points for park cleanup! The link is on the slides and Newsletter

Recruitment - Sara and Emma

  • 9/13 and 9/14 Social Round 1- Mandatory to attend one day

  • 9/17 Social Round 2 - not mandatory but encouraged

  • Petal recs are .5 points each, max of 1 point

Sisterhood - Bryanna

  • 9/15 Rally Towel sisterhood event at 4pm - RSVP needed

  • Also 9/15 Big Interest Form due at 5pm - EVERYONE MUST FILL OUT

  • 9/28 Resume Builder - more details to come

  • Please be a big and help us get more members!!

Fundraising - Lainie

  • Points have been put in for the Grub Burger profit share!

Social - Megan

  • 9/23 Originals Tailgate (subject to change because it would be at 8am for the 11am game)

  • 9/27 Rho Delta Chi Dry Mixer - pickleball, spikeball, volleyball (time/place TBD)

  • Submit your points for the Legion mixer!!

Philanthropy - Haylee

  • 9/1 - 9/30 Krispy Kreme profit share, 1 point for purchasing, extra .5 if you bring to a Blossoms event

  • Try to order your Krispy Kreme for the profit share on the 14th if you can!

  • Now - 9/13 Care Package Sale: Mandatory to earn 2 points total

  • We have a venue for kickball! Please fill out QR code on the meeting slide

Personal Development - Hailee

  • 9/13 Study Session 2 at Sweet Eugene’s from 1-5pm (.5 point per hour stayed)

  • 2 study sessions are REQUIRED for the semester!!

  • 9/28 CPR Deadline - 2 points for attending and getting certified, there is an in-person and an online option!

  • QR code for September career fairs is in the meeting slides, 1 pt for attending

Link to fill out Google form for meeting point:


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