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Petal Meeting Minutes - 2.12.24

Emily- President

  • Howdy! Part of my job as president is to enforce and follow both Aggie Blossoms and TAMU rules

  • Constitution- This holds all of the Blossoms rules, and it can be found on the Blossoms website under the members only page!

  • Requirements of membership

  • Point requirements

  • Fundraising 3 points 

  • Philanthropy 3 points 

  • Public Relations 2 points 

  • Service 4 points 

  • Sisterhood (one per month) 3 points 

  • Personal Development 2 points 

  • Committee 2 points – you will be placed in a committee (based on your pref if you wish– the form to pref is on the linktree and due 2/19 at 5pm)

  • Total 25 points– the total category minimums equal 19, the remaining points can be earned from social events, meetings, and more!

  • Demerits

  • Mandatory events (meetings and any event an officer deems as mandatory) require attendance, or a conflict form submit to the exec officer hosting the event

  • Failure to attend the event or submit a conflict form before the deadline set by the officer will result in a demerit

  • If you have more than 2 demerits, you will not be able to attend semi/formal, and you may be put on probation for the following semester.

  • You can also work off demerits with any officer!

  • You will receive an email notice of demerits, and if you wish to check your demerit balance at any point you can reach out to any exec officer.

  • GPA requirements- You must maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester

  • Standards Board- Standards Board is our internal disciplinary board. I know this sounds kind of scary but please do not be worried– it has almost never needed to be used! 

  • Me, Hannah, our fundraising director, Lainie, and two of our general members serve on the board along with our faculty Advisor, Miranda 

  • Failure to follow the rules and regulations addressed in the constitution may result in being sent to Standards Board-- for example our social media policy

  • Social Media- Members must not post any inappropriate pictures on social media when wearing any Aggie Blossoms apparel, when at an Aggie Blossoms event, or when the social media account is in connection to Aggie Blossoms.

  • NEVER drink in blossoms merch no matter what the setting or go to Northgate or other bars in blossoms apparel!

  • NEVER post pictures on social media with alcohol at Blossoms events!

  • If your social media account is in connection with Blossoms (for example, having @aggieblossoms in your insta bio), do not post inappropriately, this includes-

  • Underage drinking

  • Excessive drinking

  • Uses of drugs, and more

  • So excited to have y’all I can’t wait to get to know you more!

Hannah- VP

  • Website- huge resource!

  • Members Only Page: Password: SPRINGAB24

  • Here there is links to the officer contact information, conflict forms, meeting minutes, point sheets, standards board form and the google calendar

  • Newsletter/ Linktree

  • EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED A NEWSLETTER! If you did not, please reach out to Hannah!

  • The LinkTree should have all/most of the links that you need! If there is something that you can not find please email Hannah, so that I can reach out to the officer and get it so that everyone has access to it!

  • Band- Band is the app we use to communicate and share updates!

  • Super important that you guys get comfortable navigating the app!

  • If you have questions, reach out to Emily or Hannah

  • If you are not in the Band, please join ASAP!! The link is in the newsletter you received.

  • Google Calendar- All Blossoms events should be posted here and in the Band Calendar, but it is recommended to always check both!

  • How to Contact Officers

  • How to contact officers

  • Please be mindful when communicating with officers. The majority of us have heavy course loads, work one or multiple jobs, and are not available 24/7. While we are available for questions, it is important to make sure that you have searched for the answer to your question before asking. We work hard to send out detailed information so please make sure you utilize those resources first. 

  • Also, please please communicate/reach out to officers via their Blossoms’ email. Unless specifically stated otherwise Often people will reach out via band, Instagram DM’s, Phone #’s, Personal school emails, and other platforms, and in some cases this is perfectly acceptable as some officers may prefer this, but if not stated please use the blossom emails... especially if it is an important question or something that you don’t want to get missed. - Emails can be found on the website or in the newsletter

  • Conflict Forms-

  • Conflict Forms - Need to be sent to the officer hosting the event in which the conflict form is necessary. - “Valid excused absences include exams, medical emergencies, and family emergencies. Each general member and director will also receive 3 “passes” to use as an excused absence in the event they need to attend an SI or any other group studying session (this includes events and meetings). To use a pass, each member must provide adequate proof of the organized studying session. To use a “pass”, each member must get the absence approved by the president. Studying is otherwise not an excused absence and all directors and general members are expected to plan study time around events and meetings.” Other valid excuses are up to the discretion of the officer. We do try to be reasonable, but we also hope for participation in our amazing org!

  • Meetings- 

  • The General Member Meeting occurs every other Monday @7pm on campus. If you are unable to attend a meeting you must present a valid excuse stated in the conflict form with proper documentation. Conflict forms for the meeting must be sent to by 5 pm on the day of the meeting. Failure to do so will result in a demerit. Additionally, after the meeting, Meeting minutes will be sent out/posted on the website with a form to be filled out over the missed meeting by the following Friday at 5 pm. If this form is not submitted by this deadline a demerit will be issued regardless of an accepted conflict form.

Leslie- Treasurer

  • Scholarship: Scholarship is open (on newsletter/band) Due-Feb 14th 11:59 (not sisterhood one!!) 

  • Dues: $240 on flywire or in cash at the meetings! 

  • Payment Plan: Fill out this form please!! (demerit if incomplete) (Due Feb 16th) 

  • What do your dues cover?

  • All costs of membership for events as well as 2 tshirts!

Sisterhood- Bryanna and Emma

  • Sisterhood Master Doc: Where you can find all sign-up & event info. (will always be on the newsletter) 

  • If you can not attend at least 1 sis. event in a month, fill out and send a conflict form to (with attached proof) 

  • Upcoming this month: 

  • Big/Little date week 2/12-2/23 

  • Movie Party on 2/15 

  • Ice Skating profit share on 2/21 

  • Look out for a Littles group chat in Band! I will send out big/little info on there so please join Band asap!

  • Big/ Little Info

  • 2/12-2/23: Date Week Requirements: 1 group event & 2 randomly assigned dates 

  • Group Events (must attend at least one): 

  • 2/13: Slide Night//7pm//Gilchrist building in room 102 

  • 2/21: Ice Skating//9:45pm-11pm//Spirit Ice Arena 

  • 2/22: Painting//5pm//location tbd

  • 2/23: Pref Form is due Will have to pref a minimum of 5 girls 

  • 2/26-3/1: Gift Week Look out for a interests/contact form 

  • 3/2: Retreat/Reveal (overnight event) If you can’t attend, please let me know!

Fundraising- Lainie

  • This week: 

  • 02/16: Northgate Photo Booth 9:30pm-1:30am- mandatory for general members NOT mandatory for petals, but you may be able to participate and get ahead on points!

  • Point Opportunities: 

  • 1 pt for table/sign shift 

  • 1 pt for buying a polaroid 

  • 1 pt for donation sign up 

  • 0.5 pt (1 pt max) posting the social media flyer

  • Point form will be in the linktree

  • Next Week: 

  • 02/21: Spirit Ice profit share 9:45pm-11pm

  • Point Opportunities: 

  • 1 sisterhood pt for attending 

  • 1 fundraising pt for attending 

  • 1 fundraising pt for bringing a non-blossoms friend

Historian- Sam

  • Upcoming Events: 

  • Blossoms Group Pictures! 

  • When: Feb. 25th 

  • What to wear: Shades of blue (you can wear a shirt, dress, or really anything you want as long as:blue must be able to be seen on you top half & nothing too northgate/scandalous)

PR- Mitibella

  • Welcome to blossoms! 

  • I have your recruitment shirts– one of the free ones! Lmk if you haven’t received it and i can bring it to the next meeting!

Service- Alyssa

  • upcoming events - 

  • Bingo Night with Twin City Missions - 2/23 from 6:30-8:30pm 

  • Community Cafe - 3/5 from 4-6pm 

  • Mandatory - Big Event - 3/23 

  • Join a group -> enter access code -> fill out sign up form Access code - 1BBEA-02164

Social- Megan and Sara

  • Welcome to blossoms!

  • Social events are NOT required! But a fun way to get extra points if needed

  • Upcoming event: Legion Mixer 2/23 more info to come!

Philanthropy- Haylee

  • This Week: 2/13: Profit share with ShareTea from 5:30 to 8:30 (1 point for purchase, 1 point for friend purchasing)

  • Rest of Semester: 

  • 2/17-3/1: Gift Bag Sale Partially for bigs, but you can get points for buying them too! A great Galentines gift for friends! 1 point for purchasing ($8) 

  • 3/18 - 4/1: Book Drive required! more info coming later

Personal Development- Hailee

  • Study Sessions - .5 points per hour stayed, must stay at least an hour to receive points 

  • Career Fairs - 1 point for attending 

  • Green Dot Training - 2 points for attending and getting certified 

  • Interest Groups - points vary depending the group 

  • Arts & Crafts - 1 point per event 

  • Bible Study - 1 point per event 

  • Book Club - 1 point per event 

  • Workout - 1 point per 3 events 

  • If you would be interested in being a group leader, please text me (903) 278-2884



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