Jan. 22nd Meeting Minutes
Guest Speakers
Aggie Royals
Philanthropy event: Sing for Soldiers for Soldiers' Angels
it's a lip sync and karaoke battle
there's a solo, duet/trio, and group categories
there will be prizes for the winner of each group
Where: The Tap
When: March 1st from 9 PM to 12 AM
$10 at the door
you can also purchase online, link will be on Facebook event page
$10 available for purchase and pick up at the event
Philanthropy event: Rose Bowl for arthritis
bowling tournament
Where: Grand Station
When: Feb. 25th
There Facebook event is going live TODAY (Jan. 23)
Secretary Jordan Kelly (aggieblossomssecretary@gmail.com)
QR codes
if you are having difficulty signing in at meetings, like a login page is popping up when there shouldn't be, let me know at meeting or shoot me an email
I've heard snapchat does work for scanning and also that it doesn't, so if you try scanning in with snapchat and it doesn't work then you may need to download a QR code reader app (they're free)
Starting at the next general meeting, excuses will be DUE at 8:30 pm the DAY OF meeting
only excuses that will be accepted for after the day of meeting is if it's an emergency of some kind or something unexpected like you got a flat tire and can't make it to meeting (that doesn't mean "oh, I forgot I have tutoring for this today, i'll just email Jordan tomorrow"). this is because all other excuses are planned things that you know ahead of time. so this is just really to help you help me kind of deal
I'll pass out the Feb. event dates at the next meeting
if anything exciting happens in your life like you got a job, got engaged, got an interview for professional school, lost 5 pounds, let me know and you may make it into the newsletter!
President Ambur Duron (aggieblossoms@gmail.com)
Deadline for membership status (inactive or associate) is Feb. 19th
Application deadline is Jan. 26th at 4 pm...so tell your friends!
Executive board elections are happening after spring break!
ALL positions will be available, except for president and VP
if you're interested in a position, then you can reach out to the officer and see about shadowing them, or ask any questions you have for them
remember this will look good on resumes
S'mores Meet and Greet
Jan. 24th at 8 pm at Aspen Heights
Vice President Julie Thompson (aggieblossomsvp@gmail.com)
Study space
if you have any materials that you want to share and that aren't copyrighted by your professors, then email the stuff to Julie or give Julie the hard copies and she'll scan them for you!
these are your own hand written notes or old tests
tests have to be a semester old! (don't send current semester tests to Julie!)
this gives you points that will go towards your 40 overall points
Treasurer Abbey Menard (aggieblossomstreasurer@gmail.com)
First installment (if you're doing a payment plan) is due Feb. 19th
if you're planning on paying in full, then dues are due Feb. 19th
Fundraising Arya (aggieblossomsfundraise@gmail.com)
Jason's Deli Profit share
Jan. 24th--come before the meet and greet
from 5-10 PM
mention Blossoms at the register
Philanthropy Mayra Martinez (aggieblossomsphilanthropy@gmail.com)
Newk's Profit Share
Jan. 30th at 5-8 PM
Text pics to 956-622-9503 or email them to philanthropy email
Public Relations Amy Luo (aggieblossomspublicrelations@gmail.com)
Post on social media for recruitment points!
take a screen shot of your post and send to me!
Send ideas you have for merch
you'll get points for this
they don't have to be a computer design, they can be drawn on paper, or send a picture of the inspiration you saw
Service Caroline Tidwell (aggieblossomsservice@gmail.com)
cards for hospitalized kids
Feb 10th from 12-3 PM at Caroline's apartment
Animal shelter volunteering
you can go on your own to get points or go in a group
send a picture of you there
Sisterhood Kasey Coffeman (aggieblossomssisterhood@gmail.com)
Sisterhood monthly requirement
there's not one for January, but the S'mores meet and greet is highly encouraged because it'll look good on our part
poll for who wants to be a big will go out soon
Big/Little dating will be starting by the next general meeting (that's really soon) so get to thinking
Social Shelby Morales (aggieblossomssocial@gmail.com)
Snow Daze with ACE
Jan. 26th at 9 PM
Salsa Night Date Party
Feb. 7th at 9 PM
at the Village at Downtown Bryan
trying to determine if you gotta pay for your dates or not
Send formal theme ideas so Shelby can get with Amy to start designing shirts early
Social requirement: attend one social a month (there's two social planned per month)
you have to meet all your requirements to attend formal
40 points overall
10 service
8 philanthropy
8 fundraising
there's no monthly requirement for January, but the Snow Daze will count as a Social point and can be applied to a month that you are unable to meet your requirement
CANstruction Amber Philips (bcscanstruction@gmail.com)
so there are sponsors for the event and for teams
go fund me
amber will be setting up a go fund me for parents to donate money to our team
Blossoms team and joint team
we will be doing a combined team with Aggie Business Kings and our own
sign ups for the teams will come out soon
every blossoms will be taking part in this event, whether its moving cans around or on the teams
Meeting Minutes Question is DUE Friday, Jan. 26th by 5:00 PM