April 16th Meeting Minutes
Guest Speaker: Aggie Network Student Ambassadors Tag an Ag Tuesday April 24th Location: Rudder Plaza and West Campus Visual...
IMPORTANT Bake Sale Information!!!
Our fundraising bake sale is fast approaching, so I figured I’d synthesize everything you need to know in an email. PLEASE read this one...
April 2nd Meeting Minutes
Guest Speaker: Teacher for America Teach for America is a national corps that is working to eliminate educational inequity in low-income...
Do you not know what easy courses to take? Look no further!
Hey y'all while the groupme was blowing up I had this idea to create an editable google doc where girls can put their suggestions on what...
Exec Board Application
Here is the Aggie Blossoms Executive Board Application! Turn in your completed application, resume, and presentation as attachments in an...
March 19th Meeting Minutes
Historian Deadline is 5 PM or its cancelled There will be a bus to provide transportation to and from We get a lot of money out of it,...
March 5 Meeting Minutes
THANK YOU AMBER FOR ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK WITH CANSTRUCTION! WE LOVE YOU! President Ambur Duron (aggieblossoms@gmail.com) Prez/VP App...
2/19 Meeting Minutes
Secretary's note: If you were dressed in your big/little outfits today, email Jordan to get points for wearing a blossoms shirt. Also if...
Feb. 5th Meeting Minutes (warning it's a long one)
Guest Speakers: Big Event: Sign up Caroline has already created a Facebook group for our org. and we're doing it with SUITS For those...
New Study Space Additions
Midterms are just around the corner. We have all been there, and that's why we have a study space full of helpful reviews, notes, and...