Do you not know what easy courses to take? Look no further!
Hey y'all while the groupme was blowing up I had this idea to create an editable google doc where girls can put their suggestions on what courses to take and who/who not to take for particular courses. I went through and typed what y'all said about the course and put who said what. Some of y'all only suggested courses or courses within a certain department, so if you see your name and want to help other Blossoms out please elaborate more on what to take.
the order of the doc is 1) general electives/courses any non majors can take, 2) minors, and 3) major only courses. since i'm a BIMS major I can only put BIMS things nor do I know everyone's major so if you want to add something and do not see your major, please add it. :)
NOTE: Keep in mind, while we all look for easy classes to take, you should really try to learn the material versus just trying to get an A to better your future.