IMPORTANT Bake Sale Information!!!
Our fundraising bake sale is fast approaching, so I figured I’d synthesize everything you need to know in an email. PLEASE read this one all the way through, the specifics of this are important because guidelines for distributing food are pretty strict. I CANNOT GIVE YOU POINTS IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. BAKING: -We will bake both nights before we sell, so April 9 and 10. -You will get one point per dozen cookies/brownies/etc you make and package. -Each thing we sell must be individually wrapped and include a little list of ingredients. I will supply lists of ingredients for chocolate chip, sugar, strawberry, and red velvet cookies, which you will find attached to this email. For all other baked goods, I will send you the template and you can fill out the ingredients of your baked goods yourself. For whatever you bake, you will need to print a label for each bag and attach it. -PLEASE NO BAKED GOODS CONTAINING PEANUTS. -To package the baked goods, you will need to put them in a sealed plastic bag with the label attached. Preferably, put two cookies (or other baked goods) in the bag for us to sell for $1. -I and other fundraising committee members will do our best to pick up all of your baked goods from you the night you make them, but if you are not done until late I will coordinate with you to get them to the bake sale by 10am the next morning. -For girls who do not have ovens/cooking supplies, I will give 1 extra point for anyone that opens their home to let other girls bake. BAKE SALE: -We will be selling in Rudder Plaza and Blocker from 10am-2pm on April 10. We will be selling in 12th Man Hall and Blocker from 10am-2pm on April 11. -I need more people to sign up for shifts! -1 point/hr -1 extra point for a shirt -We do not officially take Venmo (per A&M rules.) -2 cookies/$1 unless otherwise marked. -I will coordinate with people with the last shifts to collect the money we make.
Please let me know if you have any questions at all. I need y’all’s help to make this a success for us- this is our last fundraising opportunity for the year, so please make this count!
Ingredients Lists: