Founded in 2012
Build medical clinics out of shipping containers
Put in floors, paneling, AC, lights, plumbing, electricity
they go to developing countries
building 5 this year dedicated to Aggie Veterans
4 going to outside of US
1 going to Laredo
You can come individually or with a group
Hours are 9 am-6 pm Mon-Friday
Have to wear long pants, closed toe shoes, no tank tops
You will sign a wavier when you're there or you can go online and sign it before hand
Location: by General Services Complex (bus 6, or parking lot 88)
you don't need construction experience to volunteer
ends Nov. 17th
President Ambur Duron (

Universal Pictures pre-screening
Happy Death Day
Thursday Oct. 5th @ 7:30
Facebook link
Voucher for the movie--it admits 2 people per voucher
Canes Profit Share
Oct. 10 (next Tuesday)
Details on how it works yet to come
last profit share for awhile so bring your friends and get your points
are assigned and you will be added to a groupme
Treasurer Abbey Menard (
Dues are due to day
third payment plan if you need to do 3 payments
1st installment Oct. 2
2nd installment Oct. 30
3rd installment Nov. 13
Philanthropy Mayra Martinez (
Send text if you need to meet up to give supplies
Panera profit share
there will be an e-flyer
need to present a flyer for us to get money
sign up sheet link
Chocolate sales
2 locations (Evans and Blocker)
everyone is required to sale for 2 hours, but they don't need to be consecutive
Oct. 16-20
If you take your name off the sheet the day before or don't show up that's a demerit
Make sure if something comes up last minute that there is someone to cover your shift, remember you know your test schedule so sign up accordingly
Sign up sheet link
Public Relations Corey Bruno (
Email designs for PR shirt to Corey
Picture Day Oct. 29
Black dresses with either nude or black shoes
At the Admin building
either at 4 or 5 in the afternoon
Service Caroline Tidwell (
Bryan Animal Center Oct. 5
4 pm-5 pm
if you want to sign up, you gotta sign up individually
take a photo if you went and if you're wearing a shirt
Buddy Walk
this sunday
you got to sign up individually, link on Facebook Page
Oct. 20-21
if you want to try to volunteer before leaving for the retreat you can
but Friday slots are all full so far
Brazos Fair and Rodeo
Oct. 20-22
if you want to try to volunteer before leaving for the retreat you can
Build counts as a service point
wear a blossoms shirt for an extra point
send pictures
Sisterhood Kasey Coffman (
Big/Little Reveal week
is this week
if you haven't send Kasey your school schedule, email her
Reveal this Sunday at 6 pm
littles will meet at 5 pm to get hyped
location to be determined
Movie Night Poll
Select your Disney movie you would like to watch at the movie night with this poll link
leaving around 7:30-8 that Friday
Conflict forms are due one week before we leave
We will get back by 3 or 4 on Sunday
Social Shelby Morales (
Beer Olympics
Date TBA
possibility it'll be in the Spring, but trying to get it in November
the teams will stay the same for those who have already bought supplies
Risky Business
with AMA
please don't show up in just underwear
Oct. 12
at 9 pm
the guys will have ties and the girls will select one at random
Paradigm Tailgate
won't qualify as the October point requirement
September point requirement
if you RSVP to the Beer Olympics or went to the AMA tailgate, then you
CAN-Struction Amber Phillips (
sponsorship deadline
extend indefinitely so we can get these sponsorships
please please please talk to businesses
get their business card
you'll get a letter if you don't know what to say
if you work somewhere that might be willing to donate, talk to them
businesses don't have to be local
we're looking for MONETARY donations
smallest donations are $100 and goes up from there
the different tiers of donations represent something different that the business will get in return
Team recruitment
you can create your own team if you want
Blossoms will have their own team
spread the word yo
Meeting Minutes Question link
This is DUE by Oct. 6 by 5:00 pm
President Ambur Duron (
defines the different type of memberships, the different officer positions, anti-bullying policy, demerits, member requirements
Membership status
Active/general--have a 2.5 GPA, meet all the point requirements, pay your dues in full
Associate--pay $75 in dues, can attend one big sisterhood/social event (except for formal) or 3 little events, cannot purchase merchandise
Inactive--doesn't have to pay dues or earn any points, can't attend any Blossoms events or purchase merchandise
Deadline for membership status is Oct. 2nd
email Ambur why (it's confidential)
do not need to declare active membership, only if you wish to become inactive or an associate
Point Requirements
New Members for the semester have to get 40 total points. Of those you need 8 Service points, 5 Fundraising points, and 5 Philanthropy points.
Old members have to get 40 total points. of those you need 10 Service points, 8 Fundraising points, and 8 Philanthropy points.
To access the website:
Go to Meet Us tab --> click on Members Only --> Password is ABlossoms2017
What you get out of it:
Online meeting minutes (like what you're reading now)
Study Space (read on further)
Google Calendar
Everyone should be added to it by now
if you can't access it still, contact Ambur
Docs to sign up for things and polls
2 scholarships of $150 (full dues)
3 half scholarships of $75 (half of your dues)
Due this upcoming Sunday, Sept. 24th
Make sure you download the google doc to your computer before filling it out
Email app to and CC
Remind 101
Everyone who hasn't done so already must join the Remind 101 group to get important updates throughout the day
text @agb1718 to 81010
Add Ambur on Facebook so she can add you to the Blossoms Facebook group!
you're going to need to change your Facebook email address to your TAMU email in order to be added to a Texas A&M organization Facebook group
Vice President Julie Thompson (
Study Space
google form on website to submit any notes you have that have a link (i.e. google docs)
you can give hard copies to Julie or email your stuff
You can only submit Powerpoint slides if they are NOT copyrighted
If you want to submit past Exams, they can't be exams from the CURRENT semester
you can also send links to quizlets
points will go towards your general 40 points
there are instructions on the website in detail of what information Julie needs
when emailing notes or old exams if you are using your school email, in the subject line put Study Space
If you have any questions email Julie over text
Treasurer Abbey Menard (
Total dues $150
pay in full by Oct. 2nd
Payment plan
1st installment: pay $75 on Oct 2nd
2nd installment: pay $75 on Oct. 30
Need to inform Abbey if you plan on paying in installments
can pay in check or cash
If check, make it out to Aggie Blossoms and in the memo write Fall 2017
Secretary Jordan Kelly (
Meeting minutes question (this is only to ensure me you are reading the minutes and that you hold yourself accountable on getting the information)
in order to be considered excused, you have to answer a meeting minutes question, which will have a link to at the bottom of the minutes, as well as email Jordan a conflict form.
you won't be excused if you don't send me a conflict form AND answer the meeting minutes question
conflict forms can be found on the website
only email Jordan conflict forms for meetings, if you can't attend an event, those conflict forms go to the director in charge of the event
Remember you can receive a demerit if you miss meeting without an excuse
Excusable absences include the following but not limited to:
tutoring during meeting, work, family emergencies, tests during meetings, other emergencies, projects due during meetings, sick, etc.
studying for tests is not excusable, you can plan accordingly for your study schedule
Fundraising Haley Hefelfinger (
Spoons profit share Sept. 28th fro 11 am-midnight
Friend= 1 point
wearing Blossoms shirt=1 point
staying an hour=1 point
FB event in process of being made
Possibly may have a sign in sheet, shift sign ups will go out Thursday or Friday
Old members need 8 points; new members need 5 points
Big fundraising event reveal at next general meeting so come!
Historian Corey Bruno (
text or email Corey pictures for scrapbook and end of the year slide show
(832) 725-8212
Philanthropy Mayra Martinez (
First Profit Share at Chick Fil A Sept. 19 from 5-8 at the Texas location
Have to drop receipt in bucket
Aggie Honor Code--don't lie, cheat, or steal
you're responsible for claiming friends you brought, if you wore a shirt, how long you stay there
Guest doesn't have to be with you, have your friend tell the Blossoms sitting at the table which Blossoms they belong to
School supply drive
bring supplies by Oct. 2nd
Items: markers, pencils, pens, Kleenex, binders, hand sanitizer, notebooks, etc.
points are capped at 2
Remind 101 will be sent out before next meeting
Panera Profit share Oct. 3 from 4-8
Old members need 8 points; new members need 5 points
Public Relations Corey Bruno (
Corey is interim director, applications for PR will open up in January
Merchandise includes: Fleece, crewneck sweatshirt, stickers, 3/4 inch sleeve t-shirt
Voting link for what you would like to buy
Sign up sheet for what you would like to buy
remember the more people who buy a certain item, the cheaper it will be
Service Caroline Tidwell (
Bryan Animal Center Volunteer Sept. 29th from 4-5
Online training at
it's free
only 5 spots available
must wear closed toe shoes and long pants
you can go on your own if you can't make the Blossoms time
sign up sheet link
Scavenger Hunt Oct. 1st
meet at MSC at 1 pm
random acts of kindness on campus
teams will consist of old and new members
respond to survey by Wednesday if you want to participate
Brazos Valley Fair & Rodeo and Falconpalooza Oct. 20-22
Falconpalooza is a school carnival
If you can't attend sisterhood retreat for some reason, but will still be in town, you can sign up for these events
email Caroline if you want the info
Buddy Walk Oct. 7 from 8 am-4 pm
check FB event for details
1 hour=1 point
Blossoms shirt=1 point
Email a selfie of you at your volunteering to Caroline to get credit
Sisterhood Kasey Coffman (
Updated Big/Little Dates:
Date week begins now and ends Sept. 27
Sept. 27 prefs will be sent out
Sept. 29 prefs will be due
Sept. 29-Oct 1 Matching will commence
Oct. 1 Big/Little assignments will be sent out
Oct. 2-6 is reveal week
Oct. 8 Big/Little reveal at 6 pm location TBD
Disney Movie night Oct. 11
At Amber Phillips' house--will be outside so bring bug spray
PJ's are acceptable
Polls for movie list will be sent out when it gets closer in time
Fall Retreat Oct. 20-22
Meet up around 6:30 pm and leave by 7 pm
Will be back around 3 pm on Sunday
Location: Winsboro, TX
Itinerary will be sent out prior to retreat
Free for Sale FB group
Past and new blossoms sell stuff cheap
if you're selling Blossoms shirts, you can't sell current semester general/recruitment/service shirts
have to send 1 sisterhood event per month
Social Shelby Morales (
Beer Olympics Mixer with Paradigm Sept. 28
time: 8 pm
location: Amber Phillips' house--bring bug spray
Don't feel like you have to drink!
Come after the spoons profit share!
FB event coming soon
only social event this month
there will be assigned teams that contain both old and new members, as well as boys from Paradigm
have to attend 1 social event per month
Add all officers on FB to be invited to events (this is how we get headcounts for things)
cancelling within 24 hours without a proper excuse will result in a demerit
Upcoming event:
Risky Business Mixer with AMA Oct 12 at 9 pm
CAN-struction Amber Phillips (
Event in February
Twin City Mission event
Blossoms will recruit teams and sponsors
No longer voluntary
Each committee HAS to talk to 5 businesses by THIS Friday
Deadline for sponsors is Sept. 30, so need to know who can't sponsor sooner rather than later
Bring business card to Amber or email pic of business card for proof
1/2 service point to talk to business
2 service points if they agree to send money
This announcement section is new this year and we are trying it out for the first time.
Please ignore any technical difficulties and be patient while we figure this out.
First off, here is some important information about the website!
Please enter your email in the subscribe box to receive email updates of announcements. This will keep you from having to constantly check the website and us from having to constantly remind you of when new announcements are posted.
On the main member page there will be a newsletter. This should be updated weekly. If you cannot view it for some reason, try accessing it via a computer rather than mobile. If you still cannot see it, please email Jordan at
Second, here are some important dates for the next few weeks.
Friday, August 25, we have a table for Howdy Week from 11am to 2pm.
Sunday, September 3, MSC open house will be from 1pm to 5pm. You must wear the new recruitment shirt (distributed later) and your choice of bottoms. It is summer, in Texas, and it is hot. Feel free to wear shorts, but please do not wear athletic shorts (nike shorts) or pants (leggings).
Tuesday, September 5, and Wednesday, September 6, we have informationals in Rudder 302 at 7pm. Please wear a blossoms shirt and come ready to mingle.
Thursday, September 7, from 7pm to 9pm will be our meet and greet at Fuddruckers. Please dress cute and be prepared to mingle!
Sign up for recruitment events here
Wednesday, September 13, we will have a welcome social. This is REQUIRED for all members.
Please wear comfortable shoes and dress up! The theme is travel/adventure. Feel free to wear crazy hair, tutus, fun colors, and anything else you would like. The only rule we have is NO GLITTER. We will talk more about this at the first general meeting.
Welcome Social
September 13
7:10PM to 8:00PM
MSC 2406A
Please remember to check back here for more announcements, updates, meeting minutes, and more!
Hope you had a wonderful summer and we can't wait to see what this semester has in store for us. If you have any issues with the website, this announcement system, etc. please email Julie directly at