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Link to meeting minutes:
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Gen Mem Meeting Minutes 4/29/24
President - Emily
Peace, Love, gigsÂ
Get her grad pics
VP - Hannah
Good luck with finals
Treasurer - Leslie
Refunds are being figured out, she is going to check with people to get it figured out
New execs are going to share their ideas for next year
Fill out form to give input
Thanks everyone and I’m excited for next year!
New Treasurer - Rhea
Some ideas: more scholarships, new avenues of revenue, updated doc for funds and where it goes
Historian - Sam
Thanks for this year
End of year vid is at the end of the meeting
New Historian - Elle
New ideas: member spotlight post, disposable dumps, new story templates, scan her code for input
New Secretary - Sofia
Give your input on themes, icebreakers, and any other ideas for next year!
PR - Mitibella
Lots of pickup times for PR merch and member shirts that are coming!
New PR - Sarah
New ideas: Trucker hat, henley tshirt, sweatshirts, keychains, stickers
She also had pickup times for picking up merch and semester shirts
She also has a form so you can let her know what you want to see!
Service - Alyssa
Going to Alaska!
New Service - Elise
Ideas: Retirement home, random acts of kindness
Recruitment - Emma and sarahÂ
New Recruitment - Faith and Maddy
Text them for input about recruitmentÂ
10 years of blossoms
Sisterhood - Bry
Wednesday event at 3
Thursday event at 4
Check points and see what you needÂ
New Sisterhood - MeredithÂ
Ideas: teacup painting, decorating hats, making banners/keychains
Also doing first fridays, bowlings
She also has a form to fill out so you can share your ideas of what you want to see
Fundrasinng - Lainie
Piada points are in
THanks you everything!
New Fundraising - Adelle
New ideas: Do we want profit shares at restaurants or fast food places?
Fill out form with your input
Movie theater profit share
Tournament fundraiserÂ
Social - Megan
Text her if your social points arent inÂ
New Social - Yulia
Make some social events mandatoryÂ
Shes already contacting other orgs for next year
Philanthropy - Haylee
We made $300 on our book drive!
New Philanthropy - Brandi
Make phil points easier to getÂ
Profit shares and study sessions together
PD - Hailee
Study session tonight in flag room
Study sessions posted for finals week
New PD - Jessica
New ideas: vision boards, board game w goals, partici[ate in 5k or ropes course
Interest groups!!
Guest Speakers for next Semester?
Please share your feedback with her!
Emily - Thank you guys so much for this semester, please text and reach out to her!Â
Meeting minutes -