President: Amanda
Yay hi petals and everyone!!!!
Membership status form duee 2/21
Text or email if you have any questions
VP: Shelby
Weekly newsletter
Website password: AB22spring
Questions?? Text me
Secretary: Lily W
Monthly bookmark of events shows the MAX point opportunities
Text me if you’re interested in running for secretary !!!
Treasurer: Konnor
General Members: $165
(1 Installment of $165, 2 installments of $82.50, or 3 installments of $55)
Petals: $200
(1 installment of $200, 2 installments of $100, or 4 installments of $50
Payment Plan deadline: 2/11 @5PM!!
Dues deadlines:
1st: 2/21
2nd: 3/7
3rd: 3/21
(PETALS ONLY) 4th: 4/4
Dues scholarships available!!::::: Apply by 2/11 at 11:59pm!
Links to Payment Plan and Scholarship Application in weekly newsletter
Marketplace will not be available for the first installment :(
Must pay in cash or check!
See me with questions/concerns! or text me! 832-418-8166
Sisterhood: Nathalie
Big/Little Date Weeks 2/7-18
Pref Sheets due 2/18 @2PM
Big/Little Gift Week 2/21-25
February 26 - February 27: RETREAT
fill out this form (& turn into QR code pls)
If you attend the profit share with a little or another blossom, you get a sisterhood point!!
Galentines: 2/17 @7PM
Service: Isabella
Big Event, with AGI, Saturday March 26th. Please fill out the form (
for headcount so we can sign up.
Random Acts of Kindness NEXT FRIDAY (2/18) at 10:30am-12:30pm, will meet at the MSC.
Check in with me and then disperse.
Please fill out the form if you are coming, 30 min shifts. (
· Don't sign up for a shift if you don’t know
· This is a commitment!!!
Pen Pals (
to get a pen pal (not mandatory but easy for service points)
Everyone who wants one will get one, I will send an announcement later tonight if you signed up for more
than one and got it.
Due Thursday nights, on campus drop off and Campus Village
Drop off, no letter=demerit.
Pen Pal Helpers:
fill out this form if you're interested in getting more points by helping out with pen pal letters (3
jobs), you don't need to have a pen pal to do this!
6 required points for service
all can be fulfilled by the 3 monthly events (& if you wear a shirt, but if not, you need to do pen pal
letters or talk to me).
6 pen pal opportunities (tentative on spring break meeting), so 3 points total if you have one pen pal.
Charity: Lily D.
3 Charity points
Cafe Volunteering:
2nd Wednesday of every month for Dinner
(4-6pm) Feb 9th:
3-5 spots
1 pt/hr, 1 pt for wearing a blossoms shirt
** please sign up!
Will do a bingo night in april
Historian: Summer
Upcoming Birthdays!
11th: Alexa
18th: Julia
Recipes Are Done!!!
Petal Class Photo: Saturday February 19 @ 11am - 12pm
Petal Introduction
Fill out the form ASAP!
Committee Photos This Weekend!! MANDATORY
Saturday, February 12
12:00 - 12:20 Philanthropy
12:20 - 12:40 Sisterhood
12:40 - 1:00 Service
Sunday February 13,
12:00 - 12:20 PR
12:20 - 12:40 Fundraising
12:40 - 1:00 Social
Blossoms of the Month
1 Exec
1 General Member
2 Petals
Link on the newsletter
If you wanna run for historian, text me!!!!
Social: Alyssa
ABB Mixer
Margaritaville theme
Time and place tbd
Fairytale theme
Floor length formal dresses
Fundraising: Maile
Panera profit share on 2/10 (this thursday)
Sisterhood point for going with a blossom
Fill out the google form (on the newsletter)
This role will be taken over by tristen and jorey!!!!!
Recruitment: Tristen and Jorey
thanks y’all for all your help!
recruitment was awesoooooome(:
say hi to all the new petals in the meeting!!!!
points will be put in when the main point sheet is added to the website!
send in the google form for your points!!!!
demerits will be sent out after the main point sheet is updated:(
first petal hangout on the 24th!
PR: Logan
If you have something to pick up please see me after the meeting
If you didn’t get it before (:
keep an eye out for Blossoms Boutique sale
feb 16-21
Spring 22 or summer 22 grads fill out this form please
Text me if you want to be PR director
Link to the meeting minutes::: this was a super long meeting, please read all of it !!!!
Due at 5 pm friday!
General Member Meeting
President: Amanda
Don't forget you have until Feb. 21 to fill out the membership status form.
Push and encourage applying to blossoms!!!!!
text or email me if you have any questions 254-449-3803
VP: Shelby
weekly newsletter to avoid groupme spam
On our website under members only
Consist of weekly calendar with all events, times, locations
All links for EVERYTHING
Just all info needed
New website password: AB22spring
let me know if you have questions!! 903-658-0047
Secretary: Lily W
Monthly bookmarks show the point opportunities, the maximum amount
Also for each committee, or general (like general points for going to the meeting)
At a glance for the entire month
We are doing a themed meeting and then an ice breaker meeting format, going back and forth
Will count for a point if you participate!!!
Text me if you need anything! 512-412-8423
Treasurer: Konnor
They really do cover everything!!!
General Members: $165
1 pmt of $165 2 pmts of $82.50 3 pmts of $55
Payment Plan due 2/11
1st: 2/21, 2nd: 3/7, 3rd: 3/21
Scholarships available !! due 2/11 by midnight
Links to plan/scholarship in the weekly newsletter Marketplace is NOT up yet, I'll let y'all know
see me about paying in cash or check
text me if you have questions or concerns!! 832-418-8166
Sisterhood: Nathalie
traveling to temple,tx
feb. 26 4pm-27 11am
Might move it to earlier
dinner/light breakfast provided carpooling (drivers + insurance travel information sheet)
BIGS form due by 2/2
Lots of girls at informationals….. We are gonna need a lotta bigs!!!
zoom meeting
<--tinder-ish slides, each girl gets a slide to design and show who they are!
Service: Isabella
pen pals will start after 2/7
Everyone will get a new pen pal!
Please consider doing it!!
If you aren’t going to the next meeting and you want a pen[al, text me!
We will write to them 3 times throughout the semester
send me service event ideas if you have any :)
Already have a couple major events planned but send in more smaller ideas!
Charity: Lily D.
Welcome back !!
3 charity points req'd
cafe volunteering
2nd Wednesday of every month dinner (4-6pm)
1 pt/hour, 1 pt/shirt
Helping serve food
bingo night @ shelter
date TBD, provide gifts/desserts
2 pts at event, 1 pt/shirt
will send google forms/sign up sheets
text me if you're interested in my position!!!! 281-919-8152
Historian: Summer
Fell through the recipe book, I am so so sorry :(
Committee Photos!
Saturday, 2/12 from12 pm-2 pm: Fundraising, Philanthropy, Sisterhood
Sunday, 2/13 from 12 pm-2 pm: PR, Recruitment, Social, Service
Spring photoshoot ideas???!!!!
If you are interested in running for Historian, text me!!
Phone Number: (619)905-2209
Social: Alyssa
Thanks for coming to the mixer on friday!!!
Will send invites for the mixers through facebook
Send me ideas for a formal theme!!!
Fundraising: Maile
Grub burger profit share on 1/25 (tomorrow!!!!)
Points going towards recruitment!!!!!
All day long, meet and greet from 6-8
Philanthropy: Mariela
Thanks for coming to the profit share!!!
If you have questions, text me 956-655-7508
Recruitment: tristen and Jorey
Meet and greet AT GRUB tuesday from 6-8 pm
1 pt for coming, 1 pt for wearing a shirt, 1 pt for food
1 from a meet and greet, 1 from an informational, 1 from bannering!
fill out potential petal feedback if you meet a girl you really like!!!!
fill out the point form to get your points WITH A PICTURE!!!! we can’t give you points if you don’t include a picture:(
1 point for wearing a shirt on campus if you submit a picture (that’s a pretty easy point to get)
PR: Logan
Tshirt pickup this week!!!
thursday 3-5
text me if you need a different time @ 979-777-2075
must be picked up by Monday 1/31
tan boho shirts have not come in yet
check your items and lmk if they are mixed up/wrong ASAP please
OTHER NOTES: - point requirements have changed!!!!!!
Charity 3
Fundraising 4
Philanthropy 6
PR 2
Service 6
Recruitment 5
Work off demerits with the officer you received it form
For example If you got a demerit from tristen and jorey, you need to reach out to them and see how to work it off
Working it off will vary, for example they can tell you to go to a different event or how to help
Please make sure you read the last note… its very important and a change from last year!!!
text or email me if you have any questions
have a fun break!!!!!
VP: Shelby
let me know if you have questions!!
Secretary: Lily
themed meetings next semester !!!
let me know if you want to run for secretary
Treasurer: Konnor
spring dues installment dates posted on calendar!
general members: $165
scholarships available!!
apps open on first day of classes
text me if you're interested in being treasurer next year :)
Sisterhood: Nathalie
retreat is feb. 26-27th!!!
be a big :D
let me know if you want to be sisterhood director <3
good luck with finals !
Service: Isabella
last pen pal letters!
TBD, not scanning them. Must be in person
christmas drive this week :)
Thursday: 11:15 and 11:35
text me if you want to be the service officer next year!
Charity Liaison: Lily D.
if you still need charity points... sign up for volunteering!!!
3/5 spots left for 12/10 @ the cafe
points are all in, let me know if there is a mistake!
text me if you want to hang ;)
Historian: Summer
thank y'all for those who came to take pics!!
they're so cute <3
thank y'all for sending in recipes!
PDF sent out by sunday
also so cute!
lookout for semi photos link, y'all should be able to upload pics too
please fill out this form for photo consent over the holidays!
if y'all are interested in running for historian, if you have questions or if you want to get coffee…
text me @ 619-905-2209 !!
be safe and have a HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Social: Alyssa
thank y'all for such a fun semi!!!
if you're interested in running for social, please text me!! You
can see what planning mixers and formal will be like <3
Fundraising: Maile
all done with events this semester!!
if you're interested in fundraising officer, please text me!!
Philanthropy: Mariela
BIG fundraiser in the spring: BINGLOW
let me know if you know of a possible sponsor
donate gifts or food
if you're interested in philanthropy director next year....
please reach out to me to start shadowing next semester! as always, if you need anything
Recruitment: Tristen and Jorey
PETALS!!! answer the poll in petal groupme! we're having a hangout this week and want as many people to come as they can!!
working on the banner design :D
send any ideas our way
banner painting either during break or a week or 2 before recruitment will update w point opportunities
if anyone is interested in recruitment chair, text us!!!
PR: Logan
merch sale profit: $258
blossoms boutique: $650
december graduate stoles!!!
$10 cash/venmo to Logan- James-28 before 12/11
set to private and say "NAME graduation stoles"
genealogie issues
production delayed and shipping
if you are interested in running for PR
text me!!!! 979-777-2075
Thank y’all and happy holidays!!!!!
Please fill out the meeting minutes