Service Organization
ISO → More volunteers
Located near General Services Complex
On Agronomy Road
Lot 70?
Open 9am - 6pm everyday until November 16th
Closed Toe Shoes, Long pants, shirts that covers your shoulders
Arya Monticino - President
Deadline for member status
Make sure and fill out Spreadsheet w/ your info
Amy Luo - VP
Send your notes to Amy for Study Space!!
Rebecca Villarreal - Secretary
Email conflict forms to
Google Form due at 5pm on Friday’s
Kennedy Martin-DeFrance & Claudia Yuhasz - Philanthropy
Profit Share at Urban Bricks on October 9th
Email with your zumba instructor references for .5 points
Cold calling
Here is the Link for the businesses that you are Responsible for calling :-)
Cold Calling for Zumbathon
Copy of Business Letter
Bryanna Lawrence - Public Relations
PR Link is OPEN!!!
Closes October 15th
HAVE to sell at least 3
Can only sell to family members and guys
Tiffany Reck - Charity Liason
Cold calling is due November 2nd
Next 5 girls get cookies
Cold calling assignments:
Sponsor letter:
Cold calling script:
Dani Morea - Sisterhood
Big/Little Date Week!!!
Petal/Big GroupMe’s
Thursday at 7pm at Dani’s House → Fall Craft Night
2300 Cottage Ln, APT 9520
MAKE SURE TO RSVP → By wed. at 11:59pm
Allergies, Carpool Reminds
Make sure to fill out the polls that are being sent
If you are NOT going to retreat you Need to go to the Fall Craft Night
If you can’t go to either -- Need to send Dani conflict form
Jaisy Castillo - Social
Tailgate w/ Alpha Sig this Saturday
Date Party is October 11th
*post address*
RSVP by October 8th
Halloween Mixer October 24th
If you can’t go to either need to send Jaisy a conflict form
Hailey Gaige - Service
Chrissy’s Closet
*post link here*
Flu Shot Campaign
Send Pictures to Hailey!!
Wiener Fest - 10/13
Service Scavenger Hunt
4-6PM Meet in the MSC
Make sure to RSVP by Wednesday at 11:59pm
Jillian Barthelemy - Fundraising
Northgate Bake sale THIS FRIDAY (10/5)
Outside Logie’s
*post link for sign ups here*
At least 5 girls for each hour
Post the info about baking/ingredients from the slide
Janna Barcenas - Historian
Happy birthday September/October BABES!!!!!
Keeli Machacek - Treasurer
Next Installment is due October 29th
Have to have ½ Dues paid by Retreat in order for you to attend retreat
Arya Monticino - President
Point Requirements
40 points total
8 - service
7 - Fundraising
7 - Philanthropy
5 Canstruction
30 points total
6 - service
4 - Fundraising
4 - Philanthropy
3 Canstruction
5 demerits → Will be put on probation
2 service points → Works off 1 demerit
Demerits do not roll over
Active - DON’T email
No merch
Can only be associate for one semester in Blossoms
1 big event or 3 little events
No events, no merch, no formal, only 1 semester
Family/Medical Emergency
Demerit for unexcused
Phone Number 940-368-2466
Website Password → ABlossoms17
Amy Luo - VP
Phone Number: 832-517-0877
Study Space
On website under members only tab
Will receive point for each
Only past semesters!
Becca - Secretary
Phone Number: 956-251-3394
If you can’t attend a meeting please email me your conflict form
Conflict forms are on the website
Only have to fill out google form if you do not attend meeting
Kennedy & Claudia - Philanthropy
Claudia: 817-247-3234
Kennedy: 214-998-3238
Profit Share at Urban Bricks
Collecting School Supplies
Package of Pencils
Package of Crayons
Package of Glue Sticks
Package of Markers
Package of Notebook Paper
Package of Erasers
Pencil Pouch
Wide Rule Spirals
Max at 3 points
Phone Number
Dani Morea - Sisterhood
Phone Number: 917-225-9548
2 sisterhood events per month
*Have to attend at least 1 per month*
Watch Party for Bama Game on Saturday- Sept. 22
At Madeline Allen’s house
1819 Medina Dr College Station, TX 77840 United States
Please park all along nueces and DO NOT park in front of fire hydrants or peoples houses
Try to carpool
Pot-luck → Will get a point for bringing something
Check Facebook, Remind, and GM for sign ups/RSVP
October 20, 2018
Galveston - Beach Retreat
Bryanna Lawrence - Public Relations
Phone Number: 210-846-7907
PR Shirt link next month
Text Bry if you would like to buy merch
Members get first pick (to spoil their littles of course ;-) )
Jillian Barthelemy - Fundraising
Phone Number: 214-709-5757
Profit Shares
One point for food, 1 point for shirt, 1 point for each friend you bring
Take picture & Send to Jill
Hailey Gaige - Service
Phone Number: 832-454-2009
Chrissy’s Closet
Every Monday 4-6pm
Penpal Program w/ Eilan Elementary
Every 3 letters you make is one point
Service or Philanthropy
Will send out a Remind Poll for penpal buddies
Blossom Service Spotlight
Send in your nominations
Jaisy Castillo - Social
Phone number: 832-922-8576
Social 9/20/18
If cannot make social - email
Conflict Forms DUE Tuesday at 11:59 pm
3 social points are required to attend Semi Formal
Volleyball w/ Suits
1 point for each game that you attend
Talk to Jaisy or Jill
Two posters = 1 point
Carpool to social events - Will get point
For every Blossom you take that is 1 point
Tiffany Reck - Charity Liason
Phone Number: 614-483-3038
Cold Calling - Each member will be assigned a business
This is a requirement! If you do not call your three businesses you WILL get a demerit!
*post link for business thing*
Each business is .5 a point
Talk to business & do sponsor = 1.5 points
Due November 2nd at 5 pm
In your envelope there will be a cold calling script and a sponsorship letter if you go in person. I will also post a link to the sponsorship letter for y'all to email if they want you to email them the information when you call.
Keeli Machacek - Treasurer
Phone Number: 832-257-5266
Dues $150
October 1st
October 29th
November 12th
1st option
Pay all $150 on October 1st
2nd option
Pay $75-10/1 and $75-10/29
3rd Option
Pay $50 10/1 and $50- 10/29 and $50-11/12
Have a plan by next meeting
Full and Partial Scholarships
Due 9/28 (next Friday) at 5pm
Janna Barcenas - Historian
Phone Number: 512- 577-4981
Max 3 points
Send pics to Janna to post on instagram
Minute Google Form
remember only have to fill out if you did not attend meeting
Important dates
Informational 9/4
Informational 9/5
Meet & Greet 9/6 @ Fuddruckers
Go to meet and greet = get free excused absence
40 points each semester
8 → service
7 → Fundraising
7 → philanthropy
5 → canstruction
Banner holding this week 9/3 - 9/7
Paint and Kennedy’s → Get a point!!!
Arya will send out committees
Unmute groupme
Amy - VP
Study space
Submit class lecture notes
Past year class notes to be posted on websites
Go to Amy for any questions
Have to send them to Amy and she will upload them
Prefer if you already have notes scanned
Becca - Secretary
Check in with QR Codes
Kennedy & Claudia - Philanthropy
Spoons profit share - September 11th
Text/Email Kennedy or Claudia
End of year school supply drive
Hailey - Service
Cards for Hospitalized Kids 9/16
Chrissy’s Closet new service event
Blossom Pen Pals!!!!
Hailey will send out remind
Service Mixer in Oct. w/ Men’s org.
Dani - Sisterhood
1 sisterhood event per month
If can’t make it send Dani conflict form
New Member Social → 9/13th 7-9pm
REC 1130
Is Required!!!!
Sisterhood shopping scavenger hunt
DIY - You paint it!
Big/Little is now 2 weeks instead of 1
Reveal will be the end of October
Joint Sisterhood Event (TBD)
Holiday Hangout
On dead day
Will send out poll for general Member mixer
Everyone gets a sisterhood bbq shirt - pick up from Dani
Jaisy - Social
Ice Skating w/ ABK
One mixer and one date party each month
All events will be Thursday
Take picture and text/email Jaisy
Will make facebook events
24 hours before event cannot back out. Will get demerit
Bry - Public Relations
Pick up Recruitment Tanks from Bry
Spring Merch
Plz pick up and Pay
Jill - Fundraising
Will send out link for CFA table
1 point attend
1 points shirt
1 point per friend
NG Bake Sale
Tiffany - Charity Liaison
Canstruction is now a point recruitment
Old members - 5 points
New members - 3 points
Can drives
Grocery stores around the holidays
Keeli - Treasurer
Scholarships - will post on meeting minutes
Scholarships will explain after we get our petals
Janna - Historian
Max 3 points for sisterhood sunday
#sisterhoodsunday and tag @aggieblossoms
Max 9 points for going to filming
Add facebook frames back on your profile