Hey y'all while the groupme was blowing up I had this idea to create an editable google doc where girls can put their suggestions on what courses to take and who/who not to take for particular courses. I went through and typed what y'all said about the course and put who said what. Some of y'all only suggested courses or courses within a certain department, so if you see your name and want to help other Blossoms out please elaborate more on what to take.
the order of the doc is 1) general electives/courses any non majors can take, 2) minors, and 3) major only courses. since i'm a BIMS major I can only put BIMS things nor do I know everyone's major so if you want to add something and do not see your major, please add it. :)
NOTE: Keep in mind, while we all look for easy classes to take, you should really try to learn the material versus just trying to get an A to better your future.
Here is the Aggie Blossoms Executive Board Application! Turn in your completed application, resume, and presentation as attachments in an email (subject line: “Aggie Blossoms Executive Board Application”) to aggieblossoms@gmail.com by Sunday, April 1st by 5pm. No late submissions will be considered. Presentations will be at the April 2nd general meeting @ 8:30pm in Rudder Tower 308. Goodluck!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hZPZV_5FXxfN9uUburpvsVlVM04QgDiSXPRNolL2H2s/edit?usp=sharing (In order to edit the document, you must download the application first then begin editing.)
Deadline is 5 PM or its cancelled
There will be a bus to provide transportation to and from
We get a lot of money out of it, the more girls that volunteer
We will be working security
March 31st
Please go to profit share at Chipotle tomorrow FROM 5-9 pm
we get 50% of profits BUT we need at least $300 to be spent in order to see half of that
if you RSVP on FB event and don't go that will be a demerit
Apply for Fundraising!
Perfect introduction to exec board
Plan a profit share per month
At lease one big fundraising event per semester
Not a time constraint
Banner holding started today https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10iVl4cRoUy7pTAExQIEa0yT1wOj-5I3Rt6xG4QpFWfM/edit?usp=sharing
A lot of free spots for tomorrow so please sign up if you can
everyone required to do 2 hours
look at sign up sheet--if you take your name off or switch shifts at last minute you can get a demerit
sign up sheet will be taken a picture of 2 days prior
Blossoms 3 and 4 at the MSC on Thursday and Friday will be sitting inside selling tickets/distributing shirts
need to officially sign up for the event through the maroon link (just below)
will take payments up to sunday, people can buy entry day of but that depends on number of seats available
event is this sunday
set up and tear down don't count as working the event, so you will still need to sell your two tickets
to win prizes you have to be present to win
Apply for Philanthropy!
the money philanthropy raises goes towards us to having our backpack building
you plan profit shares and a big event per semester
Public Relations
PR shirt sales are over, raised $500
A poll for the merch will go out to get an estimated price on things based off interest, keep in mind that the more people who order things, the cheaper it will be
a second poll will go out and that will be for girls to sign up for what they actually want
merch includes tank top, cap, and football pin
PR Pics will be on backside of Admin building
wear grey general member shirts with jean bottoms (no holes), brown or nude heels/sandals
Apply for PR!
you get to design shirts and be on pintrest all day
find the photographer for PR Pics
take over social media platforms while spamming it with everything Blossoms
"I procrastinate a lot and I can still finish everything I need to do on time"
if you missed the QR code for sign in and don't get the credit then email Jordan
Apply for Secretary!
you get to make the awesome biweekly powerpoints
take attendance
handle meeting excuses
not a huge time commitment, you only need to do your stuff on Mondays
BAC Volunteering
survey for availability for this month https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WSPT3FC
find the time that works best for most people
if you don't know how to sign up for training ask Caroline or look online
Big Event
is this Saturday
114 between both Suits and Blossoms
teams for Big Event is going to be reconfigured so the girl:boy ratio is more accurate
meet at Koldus at 8 am
not having a ride is not an excuse for not attending if you already signed up to go
will be strict with demerits for this event
big event and blossoms shirt are for your shirt point
if you drive your group that's an extra point
dining in the dark on April 7th
raise awareness for blind and visually impaired
volunteer to help guide the Blind waiters to help serve the food
at the Hilton
apply to volunteer with this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NVMZD2Q
Apply for Service!
just locate service events in the community or create your own (i.e. Service Scavenger Hunt)
very low key
Craft Night is next Wednesday at 7 PM
RSVP due Sunday at 5 PM
FB event will go out tonight
Maybes won't be counted, need to be a yes or no
Apply for Sisterhood!
Plan a retreat for both semesters
Plan mini events at least 2 per month
handle big little matching
get to be really close to the new petals for the semester
One more event for March, Thursday, Amazing Race with AGI
starts at 7:30 PM to watch the Aggie Game
just going to the watch party won't count as your social point, however if you can't attend the race and didn't go to the date party talk to Shelby
location TBD
the Race will start at 9 PM in lot 100
will be doing tasks around town, each tasks worth a certain amount points
will end at NG but you don't have to stay for NG
Crawfish boil with Alpha Sig April 5th
FB event to get head count to order crawfish
there are two social events in april besides formal that you must attend at least one for your april requirement
April 28th
6:30-9:30, hard start time
Hotel: Fairfield-Austin University
Room Assignments https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iEYjA1eYRVoNiJLnQ9zSEjhmq9tXMcH9zUZ232blsHU/edit?usp=sharing
Must meet all of your requirements to attend
buses are very expensive, still looking, but since it's 15 mins from the dock we'll most likely be driving ourselves so carpool
if you're 21 or older, you will be checking In keys to an officer and have to check them out before you leave to make sure there's no drunk driving
tickets for date is $30--gets ya 2 shirts
Apply for Social!
easy job! is what you make it
get in touch with men's orgs to plan mixers
plan date parties/formal/semi-formal
If you know who Diana Outlaw is reach out to Amber and let her know
Apply for Charity Liaison
I know more now then when I started
it's a fantastic event, we raised over 3000 pounds of food
literally have a how to binder for you
5 demerits = probation and no formal
if you don't complete paying your dues in full for THIS semester and LAST semester=no formal
Points locked for formal: APRIL 2ND @ 5PM
if you PLAN on getting the required points you are missing, must email aggieblossoms@gmail.com explaining how/when in order to be placed on the "Approved" list for formal DUE APRIL 3RD BY 5PM
EXAMPLE: "I plan on signing up to work ____ shift for ___ hours in order to get my required _____ points."
Executive Board Apps go out NEXT MONDAY, March 26th (looks really good on resume)
Apps/Presentations due on Sunday, April 1st by midnight
Exec Elections at next general meeting (April 2nd)
Exec Interviews sometimes between Monday, April 2nd - Friday, April 6th (exact times and dates TBA by new president)
New executive team announced: April 8th