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Meeting Minutes

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Secretary's note: If you were dressed in your big/little outfits today, email Jordan to get points for wearing a blossoms shirt. Also if I missed giving you a point for wearing a shirt at meeting because you came in late, email me and I will correct it. (you may not see this until next week once the main point sheet is updated)

HIstorian Corey Bruno (

Guest Speakers:

  • 5 for Yell:

  • to know who, you can find their campaign on Facebook

  • all corps members

  • apparently very extensive process within the corps when it comes to selecting the 5 candidates

  • Tell Your Story

  • Next Wednesy, 28th at 7 in Rudder

  • 3 speakers coming to tell their stories

  • Joe Sohm--photographer who's been around the world

  • Ann Hauser--Holocaust survivor

  • Elizabeth Ellis--ex Rockette, now in DC

  • tix are $5 or free if a group of 10 or more go together

  • to buy tix, find their Facebook event

  • Stand with Strnadel (Cason Strnadel)

  • From Tyler, TX

  • Running for yell leader

  • Non-reg. candidate

President Ambur Duron (

  • Membership status deadline is today

  • if you want to stay a general member, no need to email me

  • if you have questions about the different statuses email me

  • email me your decision by midnight TONIGHT

Treasurer Abbey Menard (

  • dues due today

  • if you don't pay your dues, you will be on probation and can't go to formal

  • if you can't make any of the due dates, talk to Abbey to pick a time that you can meet with her to give her the money

Philanthropy Mayra Martinez (

  • 3/1 BJ profit share from 11 am-11 pm

  • must present flyer for us to get the money

  • flyer

  • Binglow

  • everyone required to talk to one business

  • business assignments--due at next general meeting (3/5)


  • message me proof you went and talk to them

  • script--the business letter you received at meeting gives the details needed to tell the general managers of the businesses

  • if you weren't at meeting you must get a letter from Mayra

  • this is mandatory to do! if you fail to do it, that's a demerit

  • the actual event: we will have food, prizes, bingo (obviously)

  • location at MSC

  • will go over more details next general meeting

  • 3/25 in the evening

PR Amy Luo

  • pictures for semester 3/4

  • we will be wearing general member shirts, any jean bottoms, can wear skirts but have to be fingertip length, nude or brown heels/flats/wedges, no holes!

  • Amy will let you know when she's free to meet up to pick up the gen mem shirts

  • time is TBA

  • location is George Bush Library

  • if you can't make pics, let Amy know, you will take your pic at the next general meeting

  • you will be taking committee pics, big group pics, and individuals

  • need to have hair and makeup done

  • PR shirts

  • link to sell will come out soon

  • philanthropy shirts will be handed out at the next general meeting

Service (

  • if you do any of these events, take a selfie of you there. and as always you can volunteer at BAC or Aggieland Humane Society

  • Senior games--this weekend

  • sign up on facebook page

  • Spring Carnival 3/2

  • facebook page with link to sign up

  • ADM--3/3-3/4

  • $20

  • sign up in facebook event

  • it's a come and go event

  • mini events throughout the day

  • you can just show up to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner

  • Big Event

  • sign ups extended till 2/23

  • link in Facebook

  • T-shirt link is functioning again

Sisterhood Kasey Coffman (

  • Baseball game tomorrow

  • check facebook event

  • game starts at 6:30 pm

  • meet at 6 pm

  • map of location in event page

  • you can show up late if need be

  • if it rains out and you RSVPd, you still get a point

  • Randomized groups in place of retreat

  • these groups will consist of new and old and the group is responsible to have their own sisterhood event (i.e. movie night at someone's house, girls night at Grand Station, etc) by a certain date that is TBD

Social Shelby Morales (

  • if you RSVPd to Capture the Flag you will get a point

  • if you went to the pregame but didn't RSVP for Capture the Flag, this doesn't count as point because the pregame wasn't the event

  • 3/8 Murder Mystery Date Party

  • time and location TBD

  • you can bring whoever or go stag

  • 3/22 Amazing Race with AGI

  • starts at 7:30 pm

  • will be in teams, doing different tasks for points, who ever has most points will get a prize

  • 3 AGI and 3 Blossoms will be assigned

  • some tasks will be at Northgate (~10:30 pm)

  • if you can't make the event start time, let Shelby know and she can group you with others who will have to join late

  • 4/28 Formal

  • we're going to Austin

  • we will be on the boat from 6:30-9:30 pm

  • other accommodations are still trying to determined (hotel blocks)

  • you will be paying for this

  • so if you need to start making preparations for this, you have time

  • need to meet point and due requirements in order to attend

CANstruction Amber Philips (


  • official itinerary will go out later this week

  • If you're on one of the teams or just working the event to set up, you need to be at the mall by 8-8:15 am to help carry cans inside

  • the building will start once everything is in and go over the rules

  • won't go over 6 hours for building per day (i.e. if we start at 12 then we will end at 6)

  • starting time for Sunday depends how much gets built on Saturday

  • structures will stay up the entire week

  • next general meeting 3/5: we will be meeting at the mall at the normal time

  • we will be tearing down the builds to put in boxes and give to TCM

  • if you know you can't stay after meeting, then you need to come sometime before the meeting

  • this is mandatory for everyone to attend (whether it's at the meeting or earlier in the day)!

  • transportation is not an excuse for not being able to attend

  • there's a bus from campus to the mall

  • there is also a carpool sign up sheet that will go out closer to the next meeting

  • getting cans from Walmart to Mall

  • Plan A: Saturday morning--need people with big cars to pick up cans to drive them to the mall

  • Plan B: if Walmart makes us pick up cans before Saturday then if you volunteer your big car to help for Plan A then stay tuned

  • Shift Sign Ups

  • 2 hours are REQUIRED! for all members

  • total for the weekend

  • doesn't need to be consecutive

  • if you show up early to help move cans in because you can (pun not intended and took 2 hours, and signed up for a shift later in the day, you must still attend your shift even though you met the 2 hour requirement

  • when you arrive you MUST check in with Amber at the event

  • sign up sheet


  • if you're on a team, you don't need to sign up. but can if you want extra point

  • there has to be at least 1 person per time slot

  • if you're just working the event (not on a team)

  • you will be manning the table or walking around to tell people about TCM and Canstruction and maybe handing out flyers

  • Teams

  • if you're in one of the teams, you should have been added to a groupme

  • look for sign ups on where and when you need to be there because only 5 people are allowed to be building at a time

  • there will be food and water for teams

  • if you have a go pro let Amber know, so we can take cool videos of the event

Meeting Minutes Question: DUE Friday, February 23, 2018

Guest Speakers:

  • Big Event:

  • Sign up

  • Caroline has already created a Facebook group for our org. and we're doing it with SUITS

  • For those who've never done it before, it's a really rewarding service opportunity to give back to the residents of college station who put up with the excess traffic that us 65,000 students bring and our noisy parties.

  • the residents also give you a free meal as well

  • AMA Chili Chili (Chilifest)

  • $65—get two shirts, there will be chick fil a and hungry howies, bud light, beat box


  • Tank top and t-shirt

  • Last day to buy tix around March 25th

  • They’ll have flash sales

President Ambur Duron (

  • Schedule:

  • literally has class from 8-5 so if you try to reach her and she doesn't respond, she'll respond when she can

  • you can also reach Julie (VP)

  • Constitution

  • you can find it on this website

  • some summarized points:

  • Membership status

  • General (what everyone is at the moment)

  • Inactive: for someone who has a super busy schedule or something happened and won't be able to commit like they planned to

  • not allowed to go to any Blossoms events

  • doesn't have to pay dues

  • can only do this once

  • Associate: for someone who can commit some but may be still too busy to do everything

  • can go to 3 little events (sisterhood/social) OR 1 big social/sisterhood event

  • can't do formal though

  • pay only $75 of $150 dues

  • can only due this once

  • DEADLINE to declare inactive/associate status by FEB. 19TH by 8:30 PM

  • Demerits

  • Don't be scared, they're not that bad! they're up to the officer's discretion

  • 5 demerits and you get put on probation

  • more than 5 and your membership will be questioned to how committed you are to the org

  • you can work off demerits with extra service

  • how you can get demerits:

  • miss a required event without an excuse

  • don't meet your monthly requirement of 1 sisterhood/social a month

  • unless you have a legitimate reason for not being able to attend any of the events for that month

  • missing a meeting and not sending an excuse AND answering the minutes question, or sending an excuse AND not answering the minutes question

  • you RSVP to an event and don't show

  • Election process

  • read constitution

  • all officer positions will be open, except for President and VP

  • so if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask that officer or see if you can shadow them

  • Point Requirements:

  • Petals:

  • 8 service

  • 5 fundraising

  • 5 philanthropy

  • 30 total

  • Old girls

  • 10 service

  • 8 fundraising

  • 8 philanthropy

  • 40 total

  • how to get points

  • go to an event for an hour or more (1 per hour)

  • wear blossoms gear at event

  • bringing friends to our events (1 per friend)

  • don't meet requirements-->probation and no social

  • probation: can be on it for one semester

  • you can appeal it

  • Social media form

  • fill out if you want to be friended or follow

  • Member information

  • if your info isn't on here, please fill out. this is how you can find your sisters contact issue and stalk em (jk)

  • Calendar: link to it is on the home page of our members only page, all of our events are on this

  • link your facebook to your tamu email to be add to FB group YOU MUST DO THIS

  • we invite everyone to the events via FB

  • Committees: your job is to help the officer in charge plan their events, set up events, etc.

  • you'll be added to the committee groupmes soon


Vice President Julie Thompson (

  • Study Space

  • place filled with old notes/quizlets/exams from previous semesters

  • you can turn in your notes, exams, quizlets to Julie and she'll add them to the website so everyone can have access to

  • don't submit stuff from current semester--to avoid potential cheating

  • limit to 20 points

  • instructions on how to do this is on the website

Treasurer Abbey Menard (

  • Due dates

  • Feb. 19th

  • Mar. 19th

  • Apr. 16th

  • Payment plans

  • full: $150

  • 2 installments of $75

  • 3 installments of $50

  • if you can't make these days, let Abbey know and y'all can work something out

  • Scholarships

  • you can apply for a full or partial scholarship to cover your dues

  • due Feb. 19th

  • scroll in the announcements section (should be 2 posts before this) to find application

  • read instructions carefully

  • must send it to both Abbey and Ambur

Secretary Jordan Kelly (

  • Check in

  • normally there are QR codes, you simply scan it and answer the question from the google form

  • some say snapchat works others don't, so you may have to download a QR scanner app (they're free)

  • if you have any problems come up to me after meeting before you leave

  • acceptable Excuses:

  • tutoring, work, class, meetings, lab, planned events, TA sessions, SI sessions, etc.

  • studying is NOT an excuse, only tutoring or TA/SI study sessions or group projects

  • if there's an emergency of course, let me know when you get a chance

  • excuses are DUE day of general meetings by 8:30 pm

  • Minutes question

  • typically due Friday's the week of general meetings by 5 pm

  • these are just to ensure that you're reading the minutes

  • you have to do BOTH (send an excuse AND answer the question to be considered excused)

  • if you do one, but not the other, or forget to do both is a demerit

  • minutes:

  • you can subscribe to these announcements so that every time someone posts, it gets sent to your email. you just gotta enter your email

Fundraising Arya Monticino (

Philanthropy Mayra Martinez (

  • World Vision Kits

  • build school kits for underprivileged kids

  • event planned for later this semester

  • no events yet so we can focus on Canstruction

  • points for philanthropy profit shares works just like fundraising profit share

  • email or text proof

Public Relations Amy Luo (

  • will send out link asking for shirt sizes through remind 101

  • send merch designs for points

  • this can be screenshots of pintrest

  • PR selling is hopefully before spring break

  • have to sell 3 shirts

  • to only guys and family members

  • if interested in buying previous blossoms gear, you can talk to Amy to see what she has

  • will also post on free for sale FB page

Service Caroline Tidwell (

  • Cards for Hospitalized kids

  • Feb 10th

  • 12-3 pm at Northpoint Crossing

  • Bryan Animal Center volunteering

  • week of Feb. 12th

  • fill out application online (google bryan animal center volunteering)

  • no fee

  • watch training video

  • HAVE to sign up through their link to volunteer

  • can volunteer on own time or with group

  • can also volunteer for Aggieland Humane Society

  • point per hour you volunteer

  • Brazos Valley Senior Games

  • 2/23-2/24

  • senior citizens games, not college seniors

  • sign up

  • friend Caroline on FB so she can invite you to her service events

Social Shelby Morales (

  • Salsa Night Date Party

  • Feb. 7th from 9 pm-12 am

  • mini dance lesson

  • @ the Village in Downtown Bryan

  • payment:

  • if you RSVP, Blossoms will cover YOUR dues, NOT your dates'

  • if you don't RSVP and show up, its $8 at your door

  • YOU pay for your date at the door, its $8

  • you can bring a crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, your BFF, your roomie

  • Capture the Flag with Aggie Business Kinds

  • Feb. 17th

  • @ Bee Creek Park 5:30 PM

  • mixer-->can't bring other people

  • Formal survey sent out on remind 101, please answer

  • April 29th

  • Boat cruise thing in Austin

  • guys wear slacks/blazer/sports coat, girls wear cocktail dress or floor length gown (prom)

  • have to make requirements to attend

Sisterhood Kasey Coffman (

  • Big/Little

  • surveys were sent out for bigs/littles to fill out

  • Date week starts now and ends 11th

  • a groupme will be created with both bigs and littles so y'all can randomly find someone to do something with

  • Feb. 11 prefs go out

  • you pick your top 5 bigs/littles

  • due by 12th

  • Feb. 15th decisions sent out to bigs

  • Feb. 18th Reveal

  • dates may move around a little

  • Galentines Day

  • Feb. 11

  • Brunch, dress cute

  • potluck style

Canstruction Amber Philips (

  • the event

  • we partnered with Twin City Mission to raise money and cans of food

  • teams will build structures out of their cans

  • Blossoms building gumball machine

  • joint team with Aggie Business Kings building Hershey's Kiss

  • at Post Oak Mall

  • building happening on Feb. 24-25

  • EVERY member is REQUIRED to go, whether you're building the structure or working the event

  • structures will be on display for a week

Meeting Minutes Question:

  • DUE Friday, Feb. 9th by 5:00 PM

Midterms are just around the corner. We have all been there, and that's why we have a study space full of helpful reviews, notes, and even past exams! Please take a moment to check it out and see if you are taking any of the classes on the list. Also, if you have materials for me, please send them in. Happy studying!

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