Emily- other meeting rooms have been rescheduled to msc, have a great week!
email before 2/6 if you are not on the point sheet, so we can get that up! If you aren’t receiving the newsletter, let me know!
Elyssa- miss you; lmk if you want to be secretary
kickball is canceled due to university constraints and concerns about not being able to raise enough funds because of the obligations to hire security, medical professionals, etc
new event– gift bags aimed towards bigs and valentines,
8 dollars for one gift bag, 10 dollars for haylee to drop it off to your little for you
Points– 1 point for buying, 1 point if a non-blossoms friend buys
If you are purchasing for big little, please do so before 2/19 so Haylee can give you the poster board and tissue paper then
fill out payment plan– this is the only demerit I give so please don’t make me give you one for not filling it out
scholarships will come out soon and be due on 2/14 at 11:59pm;
dues and sisterhood scholarships will be available
Sam- still working on themes and locations for pics, please join photocircle
no more barge due to issues with university approval
we are looking at doing an away formal/ semi in Austin, 4/19-4/20
crush party this Friday
You can bring 2 people
9pm 2919 McLaren Drive
Mardi Gras theme
Pbe mixer points will be in when the point sheet is finalized
Mitibella- pick up your recruitment shirts; looking at big event shirts
community cafe this week 2/6 from 4-6 at Twin City Mission, 2 points for attending
2/7 bingo with aggie vanguard at the Langford retirement home, 2 points for attending
Activities include: bingo, visiting with the residents, cleaning the craft room
Vanguard is very excited for this event so please go!
sign up for big event;
gift cards donated for kickball will be used for our bingo night with Twin City Missions later this month
pen pals will be happening (waiting for petals) if you want to do it, keep your name on the list and highlight it. If you don’t want to do it this semester, take your name off.
decisions went well,
petal party will be thursday from 7-8:30pm at the cottages clubhouse–
you can get a point from going to this, and if you need extra points, text Emma or Sara
galentine’s party 2/10-
please bring a bouquet of your favorite flower
We will each be creating individual bouquets out of everyone’s favorite flowers
3:30PM location tbd,
2/15 movie night at Bryan Premiere Cinemas
Bryan Premiere Cinemas invited us to their showing of “Valentine’s Day” at 7:30pm
We have been told that they are offering discounts on snacks and beverages as well as doing some activities
Please take a picture because there will be a point sheet sent out as the date gets closer
2/21 Spirit Ice collab w fundraising 9:45PM-11PM
can get a sisterhood point for attending
northgate photobooth, @logie’s 2/16 9:30pm-1:30am
Point opportunities
table/ sign holding shift (1pt)
prop/ money donation (1pt)
Making a sign (1pt)
Hanging 5 flyers (1pt)
Buying a picture (1pt)
Posting on social media (.5 pts for each post, max of 1pt)
pickup/ dropoff times
2/7 at the Langford service event
Every tues/wed/thurs 1-5pm at Wisenbaker on campus
Text Lainie (512.575.5015) to drop off at her apartment
Spirit Ice profit share– collab with sisterhood
2/21 9:45PM-11PM
Point opportunities
Going to the profit share (1pt)
Bringing a non-blossoms friend (1pt)
Rush Bowls points will be in once the point sheet is available
Personal Development-
Study session 2- ⅖ 8-11 in Zackry
Green Dot Training interest form due 2/23
Getting trained on how to identify harmful situations and intervene
Interest groups are:
Arts and crafts
Bible study
Book club
Career fairs are worth a point as long as you can provide proof of attendance
Howdy ladies! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. The meeting minutes quiz must be completed by 5pm on Friday, January 26. Failure to complete will result in +1 demerit(s).
Link to the presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF4ZtuiBHg/yxjY2ragmbRyD2GGwHZNQA/edit?utm_content=DAF4ZtuiBHg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
HAPPY BIRTHDAY… Dani Librera, Emma Peterson, Elise Fontenot, Sareeha Villiani
President - Emily
Please fill out the membership form!
Welcome back!! Let’s have a great semester!
Vice President - Hannah
If you are not receiving the newsletter, let me know so I can add you!
Feel free to email me at aggieblossomsvp@gmail.com or text me with anything!
Secretary - Elyssa
From now on, please email conflict forms for meetings to aggieblossomsvp@gmail.com
Hannah will mainly be in charge of my secretarial duties, so reach out to her with anything regarding meetings or any questions you may have!
I am leaving to study abroad for the semester, but I’ve loved being able to serve this org and I will see y’all next semester!
Treasurer - Leslie
Please fill out the payment plan due 2/16
First payment due 2/19
As a reminder, gen mem dues are $200 and petals are $240
Scholarship applications will be out soon!
Historian - Sam
Blossoms group pics are on 2/25, please plan to be there!
Sending out a poll soon to pick the color scheme :)
PR - Mitibella
Happy spring semester!!
Quarter zips did not meet the minimum :( let me know if you ordered and were not refunded!
Be sure to pick up your recruitment shirt
Service - Alyssa
Events in February: Community Cafe 2/6, Bingo Night with TCM 2/23
Sign up for Big Event! Instructions on how to sign up are listed on the meeting slide
Recruitment - Emma and Sara
Updated recruitment events are on the Newsletters!
Must go to one meet and greet for at least 30mins, must attend one of the first social round for whole time
Ways for other points - hang fliers, attend non mandatory events, submit petal recs with substance :)
Recruitment reminders- Look at master doc for FAQs, but please reach out if you have questions, must wear a Blossoms shirt to recruitment events to receive the point!
Sisterhood - Bryanna
Big/Little retreat is on 3/2, it is an overnight away retreat, so plan accordingly!
The Big Interest form is due on 1/31
Requirements for Big/Little process: 1 group event and 2 assigned dates
Within a year of membership, each member is required to have a minimum of one little
Fundraising - Lainie
1/23 Rush Bowl profit share: 1 pt for buying food, 1 pt for bringing a non blossom friend, each insta post of the flyer and tagging @rushbowls.cstx is .5 pt and an extra dollar for the org!
Northgate Photo Booth: 2/16 10pm-2am, more details to come!
Spirit Ice Profit Share 2/21 9:45am-11pm
Social - Megan
PBE Mixer - 2/2
Crush party - 2/9
Legion Mixer - 2/23
More details on each event will be posted on BAND closer to the date
Philanthropy - Haylee
Sweet Eugene’s profit share 1/29: 1 pt going, 1 pt for bringing a non Blossom
Kickball 2/24, more info on that later, stay tuned in BAND for more details
Please plan to be available for Kickball!!
Personal Development - Hailee
Study session on Monday 1/29 from 2-6 at Sweet Eugenes (crossover with Philanthropy)
Interest Group forms due 2/2, groups will pick back up on 2/5
Green dot training form due 2/23
Study sessions are NOT mandatory this semester, and it is still .5 points per hour
Link to the Meeting Minutes quiz: https://forms.gle/PMVNZNQcgmjPg4vs9
Howdy ladies! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. The meeting minutes quiz must be completed by 5pm on Friday, November 17. Failure to complete will result in +1 demerit(s).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY… Brianna Thaler, Shelby Hernandez, Kailey Wright,
Hannah Vierling, Faith Pinder, Addi Asher
Link to the presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFznZX6zMc/Q1xs2ekpdMlFlbq7G8lFVw/view?utm_content=DAFznZX6zMc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
President - Emily
Semi is a few weeks away–make sure you’re getting all your points in and working off demerits!
I will be sending out demerit balances later this week
Vice President - Hannah
Mistake in the Newsletter breakdown graphic - all events listed on Friday should be on THURSDAY. Apologies–have a great week!
Secretary - Elyssa
Nothing here queen, go kill it this week!
Treasurer - Leslie
4th payment was/is due 11/13, reach out to me if you have cash and we can set something up for me to get
Historian - Sam
We will have a photographer at Semi from 8:30-10:30pm so make sure you get some pics!!
PR - Mitibella
PR sale points are in! Please submit by tomorrow, demerits will go out on Wednesday
Recruitment PR brainstorm session this Thursday, 11/16 in Gilcrest 202 at 5:10 - could go towards demerit workoffs or committee points!!
Pick up your philanthropy shirt!
Service - Alyssa
Dog walking on Monday, 11/20 from 7:30 - 9am
The only requirement for 12 Days of Service is that you attend one of the days!
ONLY SOME pen pal letters are here, so there is no requirement to write one this week. Hang tight if you didn’t get yours!
Recruitment - Emma and Sara
Recruitment Committee apps open during the next newsletter and are due Nov 30
Check out the meeting slide for an estimation of recruitment next semester!!
Sisterhood - Bryanna and Emma
Potluck and Permanent Jewelry - 11/15 at 6pm, location TBD
Crafty Christmas: 11/29 at 5pm
If you are a general member and DID NOT attend a sisterhood event in August, you must go to one in December, petals should also be attending an event in December
Fundraising - Lainie
Urban Air point submission closes on 11/15, submit to get your points!!
Chicken Salad Chick profit share 11/28 - 10:30am-8:30pm, 1 point for going, 1 point for bringing non-Blossom friend
Social - Megan and Sara
Submit points for AGI mixer and Gents tailgate!!
Date tickets for Semi are $10 (cash preferred *wink wink*), date info and payment is due Nov 28
Philanthropy - Haylee
If you purchased a kickball ticket, we can refund you and you can purchase again next semester, OR you can just have the ticket carry over into next semester
If you bought a ticket this semester and want to carry it over to next, you will have to attend the event next semester
World Vision Kits delivery (service collab) - 12/6 2pm at Sam Rayburn, 2 points for going, additional 2 points for service
Refer to the meeting slide for point opportunities or reach out to Haylee on how to earn your remaining philanthropy points!
Personal Development - Hailee
Keyboard Shortcuts/Excel Workshop - Thursday, 11/16 6-7:30pm in Gilcrest 202
Link to fill out Meeting Minutes: https://forms.gle/MFuWhw9FBEfg7Qt87