Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2023
Howdy ladies! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. The meeting minutes quiz must be completed by 5pm on Friday, September 15. Failure to complete will result in +1 demerit(s).
Link to the presentation:
President - Emily
In order to encourage more of y’all to be bigs, we are changing gift week to clue week for this semester (if that is what y’all want)
If you have questions, please reach out to Emily, Hannah, or Bryanna
Vice President - Hannah
Most links for events are on the Linktree and Newsletter!
Secretary - Elyssa
Elyssa just wants you all to have a great week!!
Please email a conflict form to if you cannot make it to a meeting by 5pm the day of!
Treasurer - Leslie
Flywire is now up and running! First payment due is 9/29
Payment plan is due 9/15
Scholarship applications are due 9/22
Historian - Sam
Join Photocircle!!
10/21 Blossoms groups pics (mandatory)
PR - Mitibella
Game day pins are here! They are $4 and will be at the Rally Towel sisterhood event on 9/15
If you can’t make it to that event, they will be on the Blossoms Boutique
Service - Alyssa
9/19 Dog Walking with Aggieland Humane
9/27 Crestview Community Health Fair
We are doing Big Event with Legion this year!!
Be sure to submit your points for park cleanup! The link is on the slides and Newsletter
Recruitment - Sara and Emma
9/13 and 9/14 Social Round 1- Mandatory to attend one day
9/17 Social Round 2 - not mandatory but encouraged
Petal recs are .5 points each, max of 1 point
Sisterhood - Bryanna
9/15 Rally Towel sisterhood event at 4pm - RSVP needed
Also 9/15 Big Interest Form due at 5pm - EVERYONE MUST FILL OUT
9/28 Resume Builder - more details to come
Please be a big and help us get more members!!
Fundraising - Lainie
Points have been put in for the Grub Burger profit share!
Social - Megan
9/23 Originals Tailgate (subject to change because it would be at 8am for the 11am game)
9/27 Rho Delta Chi Dry Mixer - pickleball, spikeball, volleyball (time/place TBD)
Submit your points for the Legion mixer!!
Philanthropy - Haylee
9/1 - 9/30 Krispy Kreme profit share, 1 point for purchasing, extra .5 if you bring to a Blossoms event
Try to order your Krispy Kreme for the profit share on the 14th if you can!
Now - 9/13 Care Package Sale: Mandatory to earn 2 points total
We have a venue for kickball! Please fill out QR code on the meeting slide
Personal Development - Hailee
9/13 Study Session 2 at Sweet Eugene’s from 1-5pm (.5 point per hour stayed)
2 study sessions are REQUIRED for the semester!!
9/28 CPR Deadline - 2 points for attending and getting certified, there is an in-person and an online option!
QR code for September career fairs is in the meeting slides, 1 pt for attending
Link to fill out Google form for meeting point:
Howdy ladies! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. The meeting minutes quiz must be completed by 5pm on Friday, September 1. Failure to complete will result in +1 demerit(s).
Link to the presentation:
President - Emily
Fill out the membership form ASAP!!
Constitutional changes: 2 point minimum for Personal Development, 2 required committee points
Standards Board members will serve for the entire academic year
BIG REQUIREMENT: “Within a year of membership, each member is required to have a minimum of one little. At one year, if a member is not prepared to become a big, they can defer for one additional semester.” Beginning with the Fall 2022 petal class.
VP - Hannah
HIGHLY RECOMMEND signing up to receive the newsletter!! Information on events, meetings, and requirements are all laid out VERY thoroughly and easy to access!
Secretary - Elyssa
Different places to access information are going to be the newsletter, BAND announcements, the meeting slides, and the Linktree located on the QR code in Hannah’s meeting slide/the website
NEW INFO: Wearing a Blossoms shirt to meetings will NOT give you an extra point! Absolutely feel free if you want to, but you can only get an extra point at meetings for dressing up with the meeting theme.
Treasurer - Leslie
Scholarships for gen mems due Sept. 22
Scholarships for petals due Sept. 27
Please fill out and submit the payment plan!!!!
Dues for members: $200, dues for petals: $240
Historian - Sam
Join PhotoCircle!! Instead of texting me pictures, upload them here anytime!
10/21 - Mandatory pictures
PR - Mitibella
Recruitment shirts and the philanthropy shirts are included in dues
PR sale will be in late October and is required points
Service - Alyssa
First service event: 9/5 Community Cafe
9/9 Park Clean Up with Legion - please fill out the waiver!
1 point for attending, 1 point for wearing a shirt (2 total)
Recruitment - Emma and Sara
8/28 - 9/5 Bannering (2 points needed)
8/30 Meet and Greet at Grub Burger (1 point needed)
9/13 or 9/14 Social round 1 (1 point needed, 1 point available each night)
8/29 and 9/4 Informationals (not mandatory, 1 point available each night)
9/17 Social Round 2 (not mandatory but VERY encouraged, 1 point possible)
Sign up sheet for bannering/informationals on the slides, newsletter, and BAND
Sisterhood - Bryanna
9/5 Pickleball and Pins (bring money to buy our gameday pins!)
9/15 Rally Towel event (RSVP needed)
9/28 Resume builder event
Fundraising - Lainie
8/30 Grub Burger Profit Share 11am to 10pm (1 pt for ordering, 1 pt for bringing non-blossoms friend)
Social - Megan
9/9 Legion Mixer - 1 point for going, 1 for following theme OR taking a pic with a guy from the org!
9/22 Originals Mixer - 1 point for going, 1 for following theme OR taking a pic with a guy from the org!
Philanthropy - Haylee
9/1 - 9/30 Krispy Kreme profit share (1 point for purchasing, extra .5 for bringing to a meeting/event)
Now - 9/13 Care Package Sale (2 points needed)
Earn Care Package Points from selling bags or putting up posters
Make sure anyone that orders a Care Package fills out the form!
Personal Development - Hailee
8/31 Study session in Evans Library 5-9 (.5 points per hour stayed)
Engineering career fair(s) information for September is in the meeting slides and on newsletter
9/28 CPR Deadline (2 points for attending training)
Link to fill out Google form for meeting point:
Updated: Sep 12, 2023
Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2022
Howdy Lovely Ladies!! Please be sure to look through these meeting minutes and then fill out the required Google form at the end. Meeting minute quiz, must be completed by 5pm on Friday, October 28th. Failure to complete, will result in 1+ demerit(s).
President - Logan:
Standards Board Voting
Results will be announced after the meeting, unless there is a tie.
Officer Mid Point Reviews
One point will be awarded if you fill out this form (
Link in the BAND & newsletter :)
Please turn this in sby Friday (10/28/22) @ 5pm
VP - Tristen:
If you have any problems with the website or newsletter, please let me know
Phone number: (512)804-6104
Secretary - Summer:
Next Meeting (11/07/22) Theme: Adam Sandler
Treasurer - Kristen:
GM: Final payment due 11/07/22
3rd payment due 11/07/22
Final payment due 11/21/22
All dues must be paid to attend Semi!
Link to flywire on the Band & Newsletter
Trunk & Treat Receipts
Please fill out the form (
If leftover money is NOT given back by Sunday 10/30 @5pm, demerits will be given.
Text me with questions/concerns! (956)949-0229
Historian - Jorey:
Pics are in the google drive!! (
Please let me know if yours are missing :)
Fundraising - Faith:
This week:
October 26th: Hocus Pocus Movie NIght
1 fundraising point for bringing a non-blossom friend
1 sisterhood point for attending
November 12th @10pm - 2am: Blossoms Bake Sale
Required to participate in either a sisterhood baking event or the bake sale itself.
More details & sign-ups at upcoming meetings.
Philanthropy - Hannah:
Fireman’s Point form:
Members will have until Friday (10/28/22 @5pm) to fill out the form or notify Hannah of points.
T-shirt sale: November 11th - November 18th
Required 2 points
.5 points for advertising sales on social media (only can get up to one point)
1 point for bannering/advertising on campus
1 point for every t-shirt you sell to someone
1.5 pints for every shirt you buy
More information to come in the coming weeks.
Recruitment - Trinity:
Petal Party - November 9th @ 9pm
Bowling at Grand Station
Will be for about 90 minutes
Sign up here (
PR - Vy:
General member shirts are in!
Message me if you haven't picked it up yet.
Blossoms Boutique
If you haven't picked up your orders yet, please text me to let me know when you'd like to pick it up.
Fall 2022 Merch
Coming this week
2 points required
.5 points for reposting/sharing (up to one point)
1 point for each item
Service - Emily:
Thank you to those who came out to the food bank & the Pebble Creek Elementary Fall Festival!
food bank points are in
deadline to submit pics from the fall festival is Monday after the meeting, points will be in tomorrow
Twin City Missions Survey (
Easy points!!!!!!!
deadline is Wednesday (10/26/22) @11:59, points will be fully updated for this by Friday
Pen Pals (
DEADLINE: THURSDAY @11:59– this is a strict deadline!!!
REMEMBER: It is mandatory to turn these letters in once you have been assigned them, if you fail to give me a letter by the deadline you will receive a demerit.
Anytime: 1725 Harvey Mitchell Parkway S Apt. 3521 (I will have a box outside to drop them off at)
On-campus: Tuesday from 11am-1:30pm
Trunk or Treat (
THIS FRIDAY– 5PM @ Twin City Missions
REMEMBER THIS IS MANDATORY– turn in conflict forms by Thursday if you cannot make it
Must be signed up by Wednesday so that we have numbers and Kristen can send money, BUT SIGN UP NOW
Activities Tab
Money– Kristen will be venmoing each driver $15. They will then be responsible for buying the decorations/activity supplies/candy for 40-50 kids, keeping track of ALL receipts, submitting them to Kristen through the receipts form, and return venmo-ing Kristen the remainder if applicable.
Points- detailed on powerpoint-link to point form is on newsletter
Costumes- must be APPROPRIATE, no masks, no face paint
Sisterhood - Saanya:
Upcoming events
Halloween movies @ olsen park
Recommend bringing a blanket
There is a concession stand
Spooky Brunch
Location is my house
Please try to carpool as parking is limited
As always, RSVP on the Band BY Friday night!
Book Club (in November!)
Send in book recommendations
If able, try to find one with a movie adaptation.
All submissions are due by 10/31/22
Social - Caylee:
Semi will most likely be held at the Corner
Message me any theme ideas
October 29th: Lambda Chi Alpha Tailgate Mixer!!